~ When He Gets Jealous ~

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After a long day of school you walked back with your friend he was excited about some new clothing line but all you could think of was going to see Leo, you were lost in thought until he snapped you out of it.

"So will you?"

"huh! Uhh Y-Yeah!"

"Really?! YES!! I'll come to your place at 6 then I'm going home to get everything I'll need"


"I Cant Wait See You Soon!"

 Before you could even ask what you agreed to he left running with his books in hand like a kid on Christmas rushing to rip open presents, 'Oh well . . . now I cant go see Leo', pulling out your phone you inform your boyfriend of the unexpected change of plans.

When you get home you just worked on homework and cleaned your mess up so it looked some what presentable and that means stuffing things under your bed or shoving it in the closet.

"There this is clean-ish", tilting your head and looking over anything else that needed 'cleaning'.

The door bell rang it was your friend and he had a huge amount of things ready for what looked like torture for you, why you ask . . . well.

"Are you ready!"

"as ready as I'll ever be . . ."

"This is your room it looks comfortable, I myself go for the glam look but this is more you", he placed down all the things he brought over and started taking out a book and measuring tape.

"now stand straight and T-pose for me"

You did as you were told letting him do his magic, little did you know someone was watching and from this point of view it looked like a guy was being handsy with you.

When he was done he put some fabrics on you to see what would look best and then left with everything he brought over.

"Cant wait for you to model this for me! I'll see you later".

He kissed your cheek and left in a cab you waved good bye, before you could walk back in you were pulled into the Shadows.

"Ack, H-Hey!"

"Why Was He All Over You", Leo looked ready to hunt and kill somebody.


"Don't What me, Why was he ALL over you And In Your Room! Alone!?"

You looked at Leo and realized you forgot to mention one thing about your friend that they were a boy and 100% gay, you giggled making him even more confused and frustrated.

"Leo sweet heart He is gay and was 'all over me' because I was spacing out and agreed to let him make me an outfit"

"w-what . . 'gay?' . . w-whats that?", looking very lost you smile and explain.

"it means he likes guys and Only guys, he's a good friend and were shopping buddies he even picked out this outfit", you give a little spin showing off your clothes.

"o-oh . . . w-well umm . . sorry", he scratched the back of his head.

"wait were you jealous?"

"a little . . but can you blame me I don't want anyone else but me touching you", he nuzzled you into a hug.

"your so cute when your like this~", giving him a peck on the cheek and holding his hands.

"why don't we go watch some space hero's and cuddle in my room"

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