.Going out with April.

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April invited you out for a much needed girls night, stressing from school and work and the occasional life threatening situations you needed a night to let loose.

"Thanks again for this April I really needed this", you said through the bathroom door.

"no problem now hurry up or were going to be late".

"all right all right, how does this look", you walked out wearing a half up half down hair style with navy blue shorts knee high socks and a fluffy white top that showed your midsection. 

"wow you make my outfit cry", she looked In the mirror.

She had on black shorts with a yellow off the shoulder top with boots and her hair down (for once) it looked cute on her.

"Shut up we look amazing! now lets get going I don't wanna miss this party".

you guys were going to your very first high school party Casey invited both of you for the after party of his winning game at a friend of his.

"I'm not usually one for parties but if it gets lame or to intense we leave", April said linking arms with you.

"you got that right And no getting separated", you hugged her.

when you guys got to the party it was pretty normal everyone dressed in the same style and music blasting.

You met up with Casey and the three of you started talking, you and April danced for most of the time and ate the snacks and making sure to avoid the punch, you could see people getting a bit tipsy from it. 

"Hey beautiful, I haven't seen you around here", a boy right be hind you whispered in your ear.

April pulled you away from him, he reeked of booze.

"April I think its about that time", you said into her ear and she nodded.

You made your way to Aprils since it was closer, after  two blocks your heard a car screeching down the road, turning around you see a red truck speeding and stopping with a screeching sound next to you guys. 

four boys hopped out hammered with lust in there eyes, you quickly took out the dull weapon Leo gave you for practice while April readied herself to protect you both. 

"I don't think I remembered telling you to leave honey", he said staggering his way over attempting to grab you. 

April acted fast kicking the back of his knees making him kneel and placing his arm around his back, you saw the other three come over and you kick two of them in the gut making them puke and fall to the floor, you were about to get hit by the last one when something stopped his punch.

"I wouldn't lay a finger on her if I were you"

The boy got tossed in the back of the red truck along with the other boys, You look up to see Leo had cleaned them all up.

"Leo!", you went over to him with delight.

"(y/n)-", he said your name then stopped.

He looked you up and down blushing a bit.

"you look good . .", he placed his hand on his chin not taking his eyes off of you.

"Leo . . take a picture it will last longer", you chuckled.

He took his phone out and pressed the button who knows how many times before you chased him around to stop him.

"whelp so much for girls night", April sighed watching you to.

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