When he asks you out #1

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After a long day with your friend you headed home, there was a box in your hand making you sway a bit from the weight.

'geez this feels like a stack of bricks. .why did I agree to keep these again?'

You were helping clean the mess they had and took a box of books for donations but since it was so late the place was already closed, you had no choice but to take them home.

"you need any help?"

You look around to try to find the voice.

"leo . .?"

He came from behind you lifting the box out of your hands.

"im surprised you were able to make it this far, this things heavy", he held it with one hand.

"show off~", you giggle and go into the alley way.

You both go up to the rooftops and go home from there, you were able to jump them with ease now that you were working out regularly with Leo.

"hey (y/n) . ."


He looked nervous and tense, this made you stop.

"are you okay? is something wrong?", you got closer trying to look at his face.

"N-no nothings wrong I j-just uhh . . do you have a boyfriend?", he asked in a soft shy tone.

"noo~ but I do have someone I like", you caught on to what was happening.

"y-you do . . of Course you do", he looked a bit sad.

you thought it was cute, "Yup, he's about your Hight with beautiful blue eyes and has a thing for space hero's, He's also holding my box". you said all this taking a few steps forward then point at him.

". . .wait you Like Me!", he had a wide grin.

"Yes Leo I like you", you smiled back at him. 

"T-then would you like to be my . . Girlfriend?", he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yes! I would like that a lot", you held his free hand as you answered.

You both smiled on the way to your house, feeling so happy that you were feeling the same way for each other.



You were ready to paint the motorcycle since it was all scratched and not very cute looking, it was already set to paint thanks to Raph.

Mikey walked in with his 'girlfriend' he hasn't asked her out but that's what you called them, they were cute together.

"are you going to paint it?", she asked

"Yup im just trying to figure out what to paint it, I've got a few sketches in here to give me an idea", you pointed at a black sketch book.

"Oooh I like this one!", she picked the tree that was in the lair with blood red blossoms falling all the way to the back of the bikes body.

"nah that ones to girly, OH what about this one!", he picked the hamato logo that had a trail of ninja stars.

They were bickering about what was cooler then they gave me a little idea, you took the sketch book out of there hands and started to sketch.

"what about this?", you showed them the tree with the logo inside it with flowers and ninja stars going to the back of the bike in an elegant yet cool looking way.

 "Woooooowww", they both said beaming with excitement.

"Thanks to you two I have something I like", you ruffled the tops of there heads and went back to the bike.

Raph came in watching you three.

"did you make up your mind already?", he asked looking over at the sketch.

"yup, my little helpers inspired me", you both looked over at Mikey and (m/g/n) posing proudly.

"hey (y/n) when its done call us", she said making her way back to the living room.

"its ganna look so sick dude!", he followed right behind her.

They left you and Raph alone, you kept your eyes glued to the bike while he was just staring at you with a smile.

"Are you ganna watch me all day or do you want to help me", you looked over with a raised eyebrow.

"i'm just admiring the view~", he said sweetly.

"your acting soft Raphie~ what has you in a good mood", you smile getting up from the floor.

"do you have a crush or like someone?", he asked walking closer to me.

"I do have someone in mind", you grin knowing exactly why he was so happy.

"oh yeah", he was right in front of you.

"I happen to like a tough guy with a sweet heart, I think you've seen him around, about this tall and loves to bash bad guys~".

"Be my girlfriend (y/n)", he asked- well more like demanded in a sweet voice.

"I thought you would never ask~", you held his hand looking lovingly in each others eyes.

Until Mikey made a gagging sound while his girlfriend awe's, Raph whipped his head and glared at them.

"you have 3 seconds to run"

"SCATTER", they yelled.

They bolted so fast he didn't even get to two, you just giggled as he chased them around.

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