Its not possible, right?!

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~A few years have passed~


I was feeling uneasy for a while now and for some reason I've been eating the weirdest foods.

"Hey (y/n)- wait are you eating pickles and . . Is that melted chocolate?", Leo asked looking disgusted at my snack.

"Yeah, and~ I've been wanting a lot of new flavors okay so Drop it", I snapped while putting another chocolate covered pickle in my mouth.

As the day went on I was feeling a bit dizzy and sick, "I think I'm ganna be sick-", I barfed before I could finish my sentence.

Leo came out of the dojo at the sound and helped me, "and this is why you don't eat pickles and chocolate".

"No- ugh, this . . This is something else", I said a sickly tone.

"I'll take you to Donnie, he might know what made you sick . . . It was probably the pickles", he said the last part quietly as he helped me up.

"I heard that", I gave him a glare.

"Sorry~ sorry~", when we got in the lab Donnie was vary much distracted already attending to his very pregnant wife which I found adorable.

'One day- wait . . Now that I think about it', as I looked at her and thought back we had talks about what she was going threw and then it clicked.

"Uhh l-Leo", i said with a pale face.

"Oh no, I should set you down", he took me to the medical bed.

When Donnie came close he could see the panic in my face and got worried,"what's wrong? Tell me how your feeling".

Leo told him what happened then Donnie asked me questions about my symptoms and over all condition and changes I've made to my diet.

He got to the burning question I've had in the back of my mind this whole time, "when was your last menstrual cycle?".

"I-I . . I don't know .  . Umm haha~ you d-don't think I'm Uh you know. .", I said not wanting to say the word out of fear I would jinx myself.

That's when Leo clicked to and thought about it, "now that you mention it I haven't had to apply that little lotion or rub your belly in a while".

"I'm sorry. . What?", Donnie said looking confused.

"Oh well she gets a really heavy flow for the most part and to help I rub her belly an-".

"Leo please stop", I said from embarrassment.

"Right, anyways I need you to take this home test then I'll use this bad boy on you if it's positive, alright", he handed me the
home test and I rushed to the restroom.

I fumbled to open it, "come on. . . Come on . . Come onnnn~". When I finished I waited for the results and,"oh my . .".

I rushed out of the bathroom and ran back into the lab, "I need another one!".

"What?", they both said confused.

"Can you hand me the pregnancy test (y/n)", Donnie held his hand out and I gave him the test.

"It's positive~", he said walking to the ultrasound equipment.

"POSITIVE!", Leo said in shock then slumping to the floor.

"We're not sure, sometimes the body can trick it's self so to be certain let's double check", he gestured me over.

I didn't see anything at first but then Donnie pointed out this tiny little bean, "is that the baby",Leo said Finally over his shock.

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