Meeting His Brothers

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Leo knocked on your window walking up to him in excitement you let him in.

"Leo! did you finish watching them!"

"yeah It was amazing! thank you so much for letting me borrow them."

He handed the DVD's back and you placed them on your desk, you noticed something seemed off about him he looked nervous.

"whats up? you look tense?", you tilted your head a bit and walked closer to him.

"w-well. .would you like to meet my brothers?", he said looking a bit embarrassed.

"Yeah~ from what you told me they sound interesting, I would love to meet them", you gave him a smile.

"good . . cuz there outside . .", he avoided your gaze. 

". . .wait like right now right now . . ."

"they Kinda followed me here and so . ."

You looked at him with a blank expression for a bit before rushing to get your shoes on and a hoodie.

"Ready! take me to the battle field", you said taking his hand and leading him out the window.

"isn't this the other way around", he chuckled and followed.

Leo walked in front of you to the roof tops but you saw no one you look around a bit confused, Leo laughed a bit and called out to his brothers.

"Guys shes here"

"Its about time!", you hear a voice come from the shadows.

'red mask . . Raph'

"Dudette its so nice to meet you!"

'orange mask . . Mikey,'

He came close to try to hug you but was stopped by the purple masked turtle.

'that ones Donnie'

You took mental notes from what Leo told you, Raph Is red and angry while Mikey's orange and friendly and the purple is Donnie smart.

"Its nice to meet all of you", you Smile brightly.

"Nice to meet you to", Donnie said back, Raph just let out a scoff.

'sassy that one'

"So how has your 'friendship' with lame-o-nardo been", Raph came and circled around you.

"Why did you say it like that?", you looked at him confused.

"Say it like what I'm just asking~", he had a mischievous grin on his face.

Leo went to get him out of your face.

"cut it out Raph!"

"Fine Fine I was just asking", he put his hands up in the air.

Mikey made his way to you while Leo and Raph bickered.

"Hi, I'm Mikey I'm the cute one out of all my brothers and the fun one", he beamed the most innocent smile you've ever seen.

'I think my soul just died from the cute . . NO BE STRONG'

You let out a giggle, "I see" you replied back not denying his claims.

"oh do you have a phone! we can be texting buddies!"

"Mikey stop bothering her", he got a light chop on the head by Donnie.

"sorry about him and the other one", he patted Mikey then pointed at Raph.

"its ok I've been wanting to meet you guys"

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