. . . Breaking up . . . {part 2}

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Donnie . . .

'this is weird right . . . no I'm just over thinking it . . . but this is Donnie were talking about . . then again', you paced around in your room.

Its been almost a week since Donnie had texted, called, facetimed, or sent you something on social media and that's what was freaking you out. Donnie was a bit of the clingy and over protective type so it was really off for him Not to text you for so long.

"he's fine maybe he's doing science projects . . . OH mutagen right its that right", you were trying to keep calm and not over think things.

'what if he got captured!' . . . . . . .'got hit by a bus?!' . . . . . . 'the government found out and are holding them captive in an under ground lab!!!' 

while your mind was running wild with different scenarios you grabbed your things and went to the man hole.

'I cant wait this is driving Me Crazy! he better be sick or something for worrying me so bad!' 

As you went down to the lair there was no one, you could hear talking from the lab so you went closer . . . and what you found made you shocked and livid, it was the sight of a orange haired Liar and your boyfriend . . . holding each other and . . . kissing . . .

your weight from leaning in shock made the door to the lab squeak loudly through the quiet lair, they moved and looked at you in surprise, Donnie looking regretful and guilty while April indifferent.

"w-wait baby listen t-this isn't what it looks like, my sweet charry blossom l-look t-this. . .w-was", he couldn't finish his lame excuse.

"liar. . . .", I turned away to leave but he held my arms.

"(y/n) wait please-"

"Let go of me Donatello! NOW!", you yelled making everyone come out from were ever they were.

"what's going on?", Leo said looking confused and concerned.

"I don't know, why don't you ask your brother and that two faced lying bitch of a red head", you said in a dark low voice making them shiver and Donnie let go.

You tried to walk away again but his words stopped you , "(y-y/n) I-I didn't mean to I-it just . .happened . . .", he looked away as if he was in pain.

You spun around and Snapped on him, "It Just Happened! Really!?, You Making Out Just Happened You Not Messaging Me For Almost A Week Just Happened! what am I to you Donatello Just Some FUCKING REBOUND! So what just cuz April rejected you I was second pickings and now that I'm with you she had the Nerve to come back like she Actually liked you! Was that what happened!?"

They stood there shocked some more then others but This wasn't you, you never acted like this but who could blame you after what they heard. Donnie looked like he was about to break down while April just stayed behind him hiding.

"I-I . . I-it . . (y/n) . . please ", was all Donnie could say.

You shook your head at them, "well maybe if you actually cared enough he would like you more", April said mockingly leaving the boys speechless.

Before they could even see you move you punched April right in the stomach making her fall to the floor, "and maybe if you kept your mouth shut you wouldn't be on the floor". Raph held  you back before you could do any real damage.

"(y/n) that's enough . .", Leo put his hand on your shoulder taking you to the entrance of the lair.

Donnie was next to April helping her up, "im such an Idiot for falling in love with Donnie . . .", letting some hot tears fall down your face.

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