. . . Breaking up . . . {part 1}

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Leo . . .

He hasn't been picking up your calls and responding very late to your text messages at first you thought you were being paranoid, you trust Leo and just assumed something came up like missions or he was tired but its been happening for a few weeks now and not to mention he hasn't come to see you lately. . .

"I hope he's okay . . . I should go see just incase", you grabbed your jacket and went to the lair.

When you arrive everything seemed normal enough nothing seemed off, you noticed the three turtles on the couch and approached them a bit worried since you didn't see Leo anywhere. 

"Hey guys", you said trying to hide your worry.

"(y-y/n) . . h-hey what are you doing here . . haha", Donnie said nervously. 

"looking for Leo . . are you alright . . . he hasn't been responding or visiting me so I got worried and came over to see if anything happened to him or you guys. . .", you looked at them with a sad gaze.

"dudes we cant hide this from her . . .", Mikey looked at his brothers feeling guilty.

"h-hide what? is he okay ?!", you panicked a bit.

"he's fine (for now)", Raph let out a long sigh and took out his phone.

"you might want to see this", he said handing you the phone.

It was a video of Leo and a girl, at first it looked like they were fighting but when he got pinned she . .kissed him . . . and he didn't move he accepted the kiss. . . this made your heart shatter in to so many pieces you dropped the phone from shock.

" . . . . how long . . .", you said trying not to sound broken.

"it was taken a month ago . . . (y/n) . . were so so sorry we-",you cut off Donnie.

"should have told me", you said in a soft voice.

They looked away with guilt, then as if on cue Leo walked in . . .

"hey guys . . (y/n) what are you doing here sweet heart? you didn't tell me you were coming over", he moved to touch you but you avoided his hand.

" . . hey are you alright . .", he tried to look at your face but you moved away.

The boys saw your face and moved away with there hands up, Leo saw them and got confused.

"am I okay? I Don't Know? WHAT DO YOU THINK!?", you yelled but still didn't look at him.

"h-hey why are you upset?!"

"Maybe Because My So Called Boyfriend Was Locking Lips With The Foot Clans Fucking PRINCESS! I was worried about you And This Is What I Get!", you turned to him yelling with anger and tears in your eyes.

"h-how did", he looked at his brothers who were hiding.

"You know what I thought you were different I Really and Honestly Believed that you would Never EVER hurt me like this or in any way . . . I loved you so much but obviously you didn't! I'm Not Enough For You !?", your anger turning into agony as you sobbed slowly sinking to the floor.

"baby I never meant to hurt you I love you so-", he had the nerve to try to comfort you.

You got up and slapped him hard, he looked at you stunned along with his brothers. They never would have thought you would slap anyone since you were a kind girl a little mischievous at times but always a sweet heart to everyone.

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