RAPH: You Get Kiddnapped

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"(y/n) don't forget to get me more beer", mom said slurring her words.

"Yes mom", you said walking out the door.

'im so not getting you more beer'

You told Raph you would be at the Lair in a few minutes, I jumped down the manhole near my house and started my way there I knew the way like the back of my hand I just had to make sure not to stray from the path.

'go straight then a left at tunnel 17'

you mentally mapped out your way just incase, you heard something move in the dark tunnels.

"What was that!", you look around and see a rat.

You let out a sigh, "jeez don't scare me like that little guy". you placed your hand over your heart.

"Don't worry it wasn't the rat . . ", a raspy voice said from behind you.

You turn around slowly, it was a big turtle like Big and tall nothing like the turtles you know.

"y-your a-a t-t-tu", you were so scared you couldn't finish your sentence.

"Turtle? yes, yes I am and your Raphael's little human~", he chuckled.

You backed away a bit. "what do you want with me?".

"I don't really 'Want' you, more like I 'Need' you as bait", he took some steps towards you.

'oh god Hes To Big ! I cant take him on my own! im tough but not this tough!!'

You bolted running down any direction, you took your phone out taking a sharp turn trying to lose him, you called Raph.

when he picked up you just sounded like a frantic mess, he didn't even get to say hello.

"Raph I NEED YOU!AHH!", the large turtle throw something at you and you dodged.

"(y/n) whats wrong!! were are you!!", he said trying not to panic.

"Big turtle! chasing me in the sewers!", you huffed out.

"STOP RUNNING GIRL!!", he was catching up fast you needed to lose him.

"I'LL BE THER JUST STAY AWAY FROM HIM!!", you heard computer sounds in the background.

"THATS WHAT I'VE BEEN DOING!!", you sounded more scared now, you couldn't see the giant that was chasing you.

'this is bad . . I didn't see him turn and I didn't hear him shift . .'

You turned making another left taking you back to gate 17, you got a chill you ran in a circle with out noticing but he might have, you kept going the way to the lair not stopping for any sounds you heard.

'he's a mutant he might know the sewers better then I do by a mile . . I cant slow down!'

"You know kid I can see why Raphael would like you, strong and determined, brave and calm even when facing this situation not to mention resilient . . . but one thing you lack is proper training." his voice echoed through the tunnels 

'he's just trying to psych you out (y/n) don't fall for it'

"SHUT UP!", you take out your Knife and swing at the sound of his voice.

"Missed . . how disappointing . . .", he chuckled.

"SHUT UP!!", you swing again.

"Poor human girl stuck with a drunk for a mother and your Fathers-"

"SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!", you screeched making your voice echo in the Tunnels.

"(Y/N) !!", you hear Raph yell your name.

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