Not over you . . .

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"Dreams~ that's were I have to go, to see your beaut- *sniff*", I sang sadly as I stuffed my face with ice cream watching space hero's Alone!

"Who needs him! He was a liar and a cheater! With his stupid cute face . . . NO! Snap out of it!", I tried telling myself he wasn't worth it anymore.

"What's good about him any way!", I sobbed trying not to think of his dumb face.

I would text April from time to time, from the sound of it Leo was a mess but personally I thought that's what he deserved.

It's been almost three weeks since I've seen any of them, all I've done was stay in my room depressed out of my mind . . Only going out to get junk food, it was to the point they started calling you ice cream girl every time you went over.

"I feel pathetic~", I lay back in bed just spacing out when I heard a tapping sound on my window.

"What the- um who is it?", I got up slowly holding the big spoon I was eating with as a weapon.

"It's us, (y/n) we need you please!", April said from the window.

I opened it revealing her and the guys. "what's this about", I looked like a mess with my nappy hair and still In pj's.

"Wow you look . . Wow", Raph said Shocked by my appearance.

"Gee thanks, if that's all you wanted I'm alive now bye-".

"No wait it's well . . It's Leo", April started then Mikey blurted out in tears. "He Got Hurt! Really badly and and he hasn't woken up yet", Mikey sobbed clinging to Donnie.

"We got ambushed but he wasn't 100% focused and he got hurt really badly, he's stable but we thought you would like to know-", I cut him off from the panic Yes he cheated and lied but I still love that stupid idiot!

"TAKE ME NOW!", I said pulling him by the shell.

"O-okay okay just . . . You might want to change first, your shirts covered in icecream", I looked down and he was right . . 'Man Im a messy eater'.



"Your fired up more then usual", my boxing trainer said while I punched the crud out of the dummy knocking it over with every hard punch.

"I've had a lot on my mind and this is the only thing that helps", I said punching the dummy against the wall making the other members back away from me.

"Well I would recommend boxing with a real person but now I'm not sure", he laughed nervously.

"No thanks, last thing I want to do is pay for someone's hospital bill", I walked out of the building getting on my bike and riding around the city to clear my head.

'Stupid lizard stealing Kiss face having', "ughhhh! This isn't working at all", I turned the speed up racing recklessly trying to get him Out of my head.

"why. .", I said angrily. ". . why . . Why you Why Did It Have To Be You!", I pressed the breaks stopping in the middle of the road.

All that could be heard was the muzzle of the bike vibrating as I stayed stopped. "I'm so pathetic . . I should have Never let you in my heart . . So why!? Why do I . . . Why do I still love you?", I was frustrated just thinking about his stupid face smirking at me and his stupid cute face . . ."why am I like this", I started the bike back up only to hear a familiar sound.

I looked behind me to see the Shell Razor,"you have got to be kidding me". I tried to speed off but my bike stopped working when I reached the end of the street. "What the-".

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