Leo: You Get Kidnapped

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"See ya mom I'll be back soon", you said going out the door.

'I can believe I ran out already'

You had finished your show after nonstop watching for the passed 5 hours, running out of snacks is what made you leave the house needing a restock and refuel you made your way to the store at the end of the block. 

 "humhum~", you heard a laugh from not to far away sown the alley.

You paused for a second looking down the but all you saw was darkness,  the air slowly turning eerie as you continued walking faster until you were running to the store. A chain wrapped around your waist pulling you into the alley way  pinning you on the wall.

"Hello (y/n) its about time I introduce myself, I'm Karai and you have something I need"

"Ugh ... could you maybe move your foot off of me", the robot was pinning you face to the wall so you couldn't see her.

"how rude of me", she snapped her fingers and it let me go forcing me to sit on the floor.

"thanks . . but why does the 'princess' of the foot clan want me?", you tried to be as calm as possible but on the inside you were terrified.

"well lets just say four little turtles and there vermin father have a score to settle with us, so you are bait since I know your friends with Leo", she walked around throwing a shuriken in the air and catching it as she spoke.

"Boy friend", you said confidently.

".. what..", she looked a bit mad but tried to play it off.

"he's not just my friend, he's MY Boyfriend~", you had your phone in your hand and pushed speed dial calling Leo.

"So what you think that means anything Girl, I can have him when ever and were ever I want!", she threw the shuriken and cut your cheek.

"ow . . . you might talk a big game but you would have had them if it wasn't for you playing around", you heard a muffled laugh we weren't alone.

"Tiger Claw! you followed me?!", she looked in the direction of the tiger.

' omg ... its a kitty . .n-no a tiger' 

"Shredder did not trust you would bring her so he sent me, also what she says is true your to childish and let them get away, Your skilled but arrogant.", he came over to me and picked me up.

"H-HEY  WATCH YOUR HANDS", you flushed a light red color as he touched your butt.

"silence girl, Karai were leaving", he jumped with you on his shoulder.

 "I could have brought her On My Own!", she glared at him.

You were taken to a dark underground lookin prison, your phone was still on call with Leo you tried hard to hide it but Tiger claw saw it and grabbed it.

"Hey w-wait don't!", you tried to stop him but he broke it in front of you.

"your smart, yet very stupid", he squished your face with his paw it was surprisingly soft.

'UGH why do I have to love cats . . . so conflicted but his paws are so soft'.


Leo pov

When I got her phone call and heard Karai I raced to Donnie's lab so he could track the call, they were near your house and taking you to Shredders place.

"We have to go get her!", I tried to bolt out but Raph stopped me.

"Do you even have a plan Leo Just wait for a second", I realized he was right and calmed down.

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