The Day Has Come

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5 years later

Spring Bonnie's POV

I can't believe five whole years has past! My heart was welping big time! This was the last official day I would see my beloved Mitchboe!

Mitchboe, walked into the diner with his hair cut in a Marine, clean cut, fashion. He was wearing a green tank top, cameo pants, and his dog tags. I immediately ran up to him and hugged him as tears rolled down my face.

"Oh, Mitchboe!! Why do you have to leave me!?" I cried.

He hugged me tightly as tears rolled down my face.

"Oh Springy...I'm coming back alive once I serve my tour of Zogac, I'm staying with you for good!" He said.

"Darling...Will I be able to talk to you from time to time over the phone?" I asked in between my cries.

"We can exchange letters, but no phone calls I'm afraid." Mitchboe said a little sad himself.

"A-Alright...That w-works for m-me!" I said trying to hold back my tears some.

"I don't have to leave until 3PM this evening. Come! Let's go make love before I have to leave." He smiled.

Lemon is coming!!!! 

Mitchboe took my hand to the backstage. We were now in my room. The door was locked. Mitchboe removed his tank top showing off his nice, muscular, chest. Then he removed his pants and boxers. I blushed and smiled, but was still sad because this would the last official time we would ever make love to one another.

I removed my shirt and my shorts. Then I removed my bra and panties. Mitchboe started to rub my boobs causing me to moan.

We were now on my bed. I started sucking his dick causing him to moan. I grinned my teeth gently on his dick and he moaned louder. I continued for about 15 minutes then he came into my mouth. I swallowed his cum.

Now, it was his turn to pleasure me. He started licking my pussy and I moaned on how good it felt. He swirled his tongue faster making me moan louder. 15 minutes later I came in his mouth.

"I'm gonna miss this taste so bad!" He said as he swallowed my cum.

"I'm gonna miss you so much...When you're gone!" I started to cry again.

Mitchboe kissed me as the tears rolled down my cheeks. I got in the doggy-style sex position.

"Please...Ride me with all your might! Don't stop!" I said.

He put his hard dick into my pussy and he started going back and forward going faster each time his balls hit my pussy and I moaned. He went harder and I moaned louder. He thrusts in me for about 30 minutes before he released his hot cum in my pussy and I moaned very loudly.

I got on top of him as he laid on his back. I inserted my pussy on his dick I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my lower back. We started to kiss deeply. After a hour of non stop kissing we both came. We snuggled in my bed.

"Mitch-Kun." I said.

"Yes dear?" He asked.

"Please, promise me you won't ever forget about me even if I stop sending you the letters." I said.

"I won't Springy." He smiled.

We continued to snuggle in my bed.

Time skip

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