New Job Got Plus Horror Before Work

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1 year later

Mitchboe's POV

I tried searching for Springy for about three months. But, I could never find her anywhere and I actually forgot about about her after three months. I was basically moving on with my life. The diner was demolished two weeks after I stayed there for the night. So, I think Fredbear and Mari are gone forever now since the diner is completely gone now. I was now living in a house, and the army paid the biggest part of the mortgage, thank the lucky stars. I tried to get on with Norfolk Southern, but unfortunately most of the tracks around here was ripped up and the railroad was rerouted on the south part of the town. The only job I had was a night guard job at a industrial complex before it shut down a few months later. If it wasn't for my army compensation, I would've been screwed.

One morning while I was sitting on the front porch reading the news paper, I came across a jobs ad, it was asking for a night guard on the upper part of town. I pulled out my smart phone and dialed the number.

"Hello." A man answered.

"Yeah, I'm interested in the night guard job." I said.

"That's great!" He said. He gave me the directions to the building I would be watching over in the upper part of town.

"Okay, don't be late tonight!" He then hanged up.

The wind was starting to pick up outside and the news paper blewed out of my hand. Then, it started to rain. I went inside the house. In the house, I heard giggling coming from the living room. I made my way from the foyer into the dining to see...Mari sitting in my recliner.

"Mari...Is it really you?" I asked.

"You forgot about, Springy, didn't you?" She said.

Tears formed in my eyes.

"Springy, I'm really sorry!" I said as I dropped down to the floor. I looked back up to see Mari was gone.

"Springy...Please, forgive me for forgetting about you. I hope I'll see you again."

I got up and went to the kitchen to find me something to eat. Upon entering the kitchen...I smelled pizza. That's odd...I don't have any ingredients to make pizza, nor did I put one in the oven. I went over to the pantry to try and find me something to eat. I opened the door halfway..."Aaaaaaa!" Something grabbed my leg! I shook it off and the door fling ed open.

It was Springy!

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It was Springy!....Only she didn't look like the Spring Bonnie I knew and love. She was terrifying looking. She looked old and wore down, her once beautiful, purple eyes looked crossed eyed in a ghostly fashion. Blood was pouring from her eyes, mouth, and the rest of her body. She looked like something out of a horror film! I gasped in horror and started backing away from her. She did a raspy, ghostly, moan as she held her arms out. I looked down at her pussy as blood poured out of it...No fucking way, I'm fucking that!!!! I took off running to the living room. I looked back to see her slowly chasing me. I ran out of the living room and into the family room and turned the corner to open the door to the basement. I went in and shut the door. I pulled my flashlight out of my pocket and made my way down the stairs. As I made it to the bottom of the stairs, I could hear the creepy moaning up top. I had to find a hiding place, and fast! I ran to the door of a section of a the basement and went in and closed the door. The moans were getting louder as I knew that thing was now in the basement. I ran into the wine cellar of the room and closed the door. I noticed a secret passage way underneath the huge wine rack. I moved the wine rack out of the way...A old bottle of wine hit the floor *gasp! I wasted no time crawling into the secret passage way. Half way through the passage way I could hear the moans behind me "Shit!" I have to crawl to the end and find another hiding spot. I seen daylight at the end of the passage way. I opened a screen vent and crawled outside into the rain. The moans behind me stopped and I sighed in relief.

"What the hell was that thing that chased me out of my house!?" I shouted to myself. I debated on if I should go back inside the house or not.

I walked to the front porch and opened the door to the house and peaked inside to see if that thing was still around. It wasn't around at the time, and I walked into the house. I grabbed my 40 caliber Glock out of secret hiding place on the wall of the foyer. I had my gun pointed in front of me and I walked to the stairs leading up to the second floor. I went up the stairs. As I walked to my bedroom I heard Springy's voice.

"Why did you forget me, darling!?" She said.

I ran to my bedroom and locked the door. I threw off my wet clothes and I hit the bed to get some sleep for my job tonight. I felt guilty about moving on without Springy. I'm such a horrible person to forget about the love of my life. I fell asleep and started dreaming about Springy. Springy was crying in my dream.

"Please, come back to me, Mitchboe!!" She cried.

I was in my Marine uniform and I could see her in the distance behind me. I started running to her. But then, a group of tanks appeared in front of me with their truants aimed at me.

"Springy, I'm so sorry for leaving you!!!!" I cried.

"Mitch-Kun, you shouldn't have left me!!!!" Just as she shouted that, the tanks fired at me and a explosion engulfed me. I heard Springy crying even louder.

"Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!" She screamed so loud.

I woke up with my body drenched with sweat. I calmed down and went to my bathroom to shower off. Now, I know how Springy felt while I was away. She was grieving for me everyday. But, I wondered if I would get to still see her one day. It was time for me to leave for my new job. I put on some fresh clothes. I grabbed my gun off my nightstand and turned on my flashlight. I opened the door to my bedroom and stepped out making sure that thing wasn't around. so far she wasn't and I made my way downstairs and grabbed my keys off the table in the living room. I locked the door on my way out. I got into my truck and started it. I pulled out of my driveway and started driving to my job.

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