Bonus Chapter Mitchboe's 16th Birthday

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Spring Bonnie POV

Today is my Mitch-Kun's 16th birthday. Me, Goldie, and Mari were getting things ready for Mitchboe's surprise party.

"What do you think of the position of this Happy Birthday banner, Springy?" Mari asked floating in front of the banner.

I took a good look at the banner and I smiled.

"Looks perfect." I replied.

Goldie came off the show stage singing the Happy Birthday song. Me and Mari gave her a around of applause.

"Now, wasn't that a high note or what!?" Goldie smiled.

"You are always the best when it comes to singing, Goldie!" I said as I smiled.

"I was after all built to be the best singing animatronic." Goldie said.

The boss came out of the kitchen.

"Okay, girls. Eruv is getting ready to bring out the food. How is the decorations coming along?" He asked.

"We got them all finished." I replied to his question.

"That's wonderful because Mitchboe will be here any minute now..." Mitchboe came through the door as the boss finished his sentence.

"SURPRISE!!!!" We all shouted and blewed on our party flutes. Mitchboe, jumped in surprised.

I ran up to Mitchboe and gave him a big, sloppy, kiss.

"Happy Birthday, my love!" I smiled at him.

Mitchboe, looked around the diner expecting people to be around.

"Where are all the customers?" Mitchboe asked.

The boss walked up to Mitchboe and he smiled.

"Springy, convinced me to close down the diner for the day...And besides, I have a very important meeting to attend. Happy Birthday, lad. I already have your check here with your birthday bonus added to it. Have a good day." The boss then walked off.

Mitchboe, opened up the envelope to see that his pay check was triple what it normally was; it was a 630$ payday. I smirked at him after looking at his pay check.

"What are you gonna do with all that money, babe?" I asked him.

"Put it away in my savings account of course." He smiled.

"Saving up for our wedding day, hmm?" I smirked at him.

Mitchboe, blushed.

"Yeah...After I serve a tour in the Marines of course."

I sorta gave him a frown face.

"Please, don't get killed and leave me alone!" I cried.

He hugged me.

"I still got a couple more years before that day comes, Springy." He smiled.

"Yeah, Springy." Goldie said.

"Let's get this party started by eating." Mari said.

"Okay, then..." I sorta smiled.

Me and Mitchboe went to the table with Goldie and Mari. Eruv, brought out the pizza and ice cream cake.

"Happy Birthday, Mitchboe." Eruv said.

"Thanks, Eruv." Mitchboe said.

Goldie and Mari made themselves a plate of pizza. I made me and Mitchboe a plate. After we ate our pizza, it was time for the ice cream cake.

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