Horrible Truth/Night 4

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This is going to be a very long chapter!!! Hope you got a lot of spare time on your hand because you'll be needing it! Also, there'll be a weird lemon coming up later in the chapter!!!! So, be ready!!!!

Mitchboe's POV

As I walked up the stairs to the final floor..A stone hit my stomach, I was getting a really bad feeling on what I was gonna see on the final floor. I came to the door going through the final floor. It had a security number pad on the door..Shit! But, when I leaned on the door it fell down to my surprise. I went through the door and into a luxurious-looking room that sat the important people down. There was a knocked off door on the other side of the room. I headed through the door way. I came into a experiment lab with broken down lab equipment in it and there was a test chamber in the center of the lab. I walked over to the test chamber. I glazed through the test chamber glass and a cold chill ran up my spine. I backed away from it. A TV caught my eye to the right side of the lab. I walked over to the TV and there was a box of old tapes. I dug through the old box of tapes, one tape was called, Introduction to Project Paranorm. I wondered if the old TV worked. I pressed the power button and it came on, surprisingly. I put in the tape and it started playing.

"Hello, I'm Dr Shadow J Crafterz." A man with brown eyes, black hair, wearing a white lab coat said. He was standing in front of the test chamber in the center of the lab.

"I am the main scientist in charge of the Government-funded project: Project Paranorm. This project will be about finding a way to control paranormal energy. Controlling paranormal energy will allow the United States of America to achieve world peace without the use of brute force. Using this method of ending wars, and resolving conflicts around the world will ultimately save trillions of dollars in war expenses and save countless lives lost to war." He said. Wouldn't it been nice to have that!

"The way we intend on using such energy is to transfer the paranormal energy into a living being to weld the power of the energy. But, unfortunately through countless stories and encounters of people and animals alike being possessed by paranormal energy, the side effects would just be too nasty for a living being to handle. If there was some way to assure the side effects would be minimal than we can send the individual to the nation that's having conflicts with our great nation and our allies, we negotiate peace through the threat of horrific events to the governments to just surrender rather fight. Horrific events by paranormal energy is non lethal as compared to fighting as the events would just be illusions driving anyone to complete insanity." Yeah, I'm just about to go insane, myself!

"A better test subject would be a robot with a advanced AI system. In our studies, most robots with advanced AI's would be better suited to handling paranormal energy." Did he just say, robot with advanced AI?!

"That concludes our introduction to Project Paranorm." The video ended.

"I just hope the robot isn't who I think it is..." A hard stone dropped to my stomach.

I picked up another tape...And it said, New Test Subject. My hand was starting to shake as I grabbed the tape. I slowly put the tape into the TV. As the video started I was wondering who the test subject was gonna be..Well, I was about to find out.

"No!! No!!! Nooooo!!!!" A familiar voice screamed. The Dr was standing in front of a cage of some sort. The cage was rattling and banging behind him.

"We have acquired a perfect test subject to test in the experiment." He smiled.

"Say, Hello to our new test subject." The Dr moved out of the way and the camera zoomed in to reveal.....Springy!!!

"Please, let me go!!!" Springy pleaded.

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