Finial Night/Confrontation

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Mitchboe's POV

This was it: The time to confront, Springy. I was defiantly nervous as if Springy would kill me or not. As I was walking up the stairs, I looked back to see Plushie was already gone. She was a big help on getting me through the dangers to get to Springy. I turned my head back with a little bit of tears coming out of my eyes from her absent presence. The stairway got darker as I walked further on up. Blood started pouring out of the walls and a big chill ran down my spine. I came upon a corner and a slew of bats swarmed me. I grunted and tried to knock the bats away as they hissed. The bats flew away and I continued up the stairs. Dead corpses of me were chained on the walls. I grasped and sprint up the stairs passed them. I stopped to wipe the sweat off my forehead. Then, all the sudden I heard the snapping of chains. I looked back and my eyes got wide. The corpses of me were alive..They were coming after me! I screamed and I sprinted up the stairs faster than I ever have. I heard the loud groans of them from behind me. I finally made it to a door at the top of the stairs. I opened the door and just when I looked back the corpses were only a couple of feet away from me. With no time to spare, I slammed the door shut as they were just about to get in. I heard loud banging on the door for a couple of seconds then it went all silent. I slid down the down hugging my knees. I was so sick and tired of this nightmare that I actually really wanted to take my own life as I felt that Springy wouldn't be forgiving me anyway. I thought that after leaving Plushie, that there would've been no more dangers to face. But, she was just a thought of Springy's mind; which means she really didn't know all of Springy's intentions about me. I looked around the room I was in. It was a dark, dusty room with lots of wooden crates. Wooden beams were going across the ceiling. There was some rope laying down on the floor. I got up and walked over to the rope. I picked up the rope and made it into a noose. I got up on a crate and threw the rope over the wooden beam going across the ceiling of the room. I pulled the rope tight tied to the beam. I put the noose on my neck and let out a deep, big sigh.

"I'm sorry...But, I can't take anymore of this nightmare!!!!" I shouted and dropped my head down.

I jumped off the crate without a second thought. I gasped really hard and my vision started to fade. I was ready for the lights to go out.

"Noooooooooo!!!! You can't die on me!!!!" A familiar voice shouted.

A dark figure dashed underneath me and hoisted me on it's shoulders. The noose around my neck was took off and I was gently laid down on the ground. I heard the dark figure softly cry trying to hold back it's tears.

"You can't die on me!!!! I didn't mean...For it to...Come to this!!!!" It cried.

The figure ran off through a door on the other side of the room. I coughed a few times, then my vision started coming back. When I regain my breath, I got up and walked over to the other side of the room. I could hear crying coming through the door. I went through the door to see...Springy down on her knees crying. I walked over to her and just stared at her for a minute. I started to walk closer to her. She heard me walking close to her and she turned around giving me a angry stare with tears coming down her face.

"You wanted to die on me!!!! How could you?!" She shouted at me.

Her body released out dark energy. I shockingly steeped back. A burst of wind flowed through the room. Her eyes glowed a angry red color, and she started floating towards me in a paranormal fashion.

 Her eyes glowed a angry red color, and she started floating towards me in a paranormal fashion

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