Night Two

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Mitchboe's POV

I pulled up to the I worked at and parked my truck at the front of the building. I exited my truck and walked up to the front door and pulled out the key to unlock it. I entered and I locked the door back. I still had some time to spare before my shift began, so I decided to have a look over the building to make sure nothing was out of the ordinary. There was no need for me to go into the basement as it was such a big place down there that it would've toke too long to explore, and I didn't want to be down there when midnight starts because that's when things turn creepy. I went to the hallway where I saw the nightmarish animatronics. They weren't there to my surprise. The doll animatronic wasn't no where to be found. As I made my way to my office, a piece of paper caught my eye on the floor. I knee down to pick it up and I entered into the office. I sat down in my chair and started reading the paper.

Spring Bonnie's dairy Page 2

My heart again weaps for Mitch-Kun. A horrible accident happened about a week ago and only added fright on top of my pain. I'm scared on what's going to happen to me, Mari, and Goldie after the accident that was committed by four teenage girls stuffing a little girls face in Goldie's breast. People and children screamed in horror as the little girl was now just a corpse on the show stage. Goldie became horrified by the accident and she felt really guilty about the little girl. There was nothing she could've done to prevent the accident as the teenage girls firmly pressed her face against her breasts. After the accident happened, nobody came to diner like they normally would because they were afraid of Goldie now. Mari had bad vibes before the accident happened and it came to past. I'm really worried about us being scrapped if no one comes to the diner to keep its profits going. I really wish Mitch-Kun was here right now!!! I want him to take me away from this place and be happily married to him!!! I pray the day a decision is made I will at least be spared for my Mitch-Kun!!! He is going through hell in the war and it would break his heart to come home only to see the diner closed down for good and us scraped. Please, let me be with Mitch-Kun, anybody!!! 

A strong stone-feeling struck my heart. I was worried that Springy was most likely scraped. I can't go on like this! I must find a way to see her again! The clock struck midnight and my shift began. The phone rang and a recording played.

"Hey dude! Got some interesting news to tell you. While you were out for the day, we found some old audio tapes...Although, we're not sure what they are. But, we guess they could be some kind of training tapes from the old diner. Did you see anything strange last night? If you did, then it was probably the ventilation system acting up as always. Always remember to keep an eye on the system at all times. And oh...The control module was acting up yesterday as I'm sure you noticed during your shift. Not to worry as we had our technician guy to fix it. So, now the system should be giving off a alarm if the ventilation acts up. When that happens just reset the system and everything should be fine. Make sure to keep those cameras booted up at all times! Never let them stay glitched up as they are essential to monitoring the place. It must be a little scary being in that building by yourself all night. We have hooked up a audio player in your office for you to listen to the old tapes. I'm sure that'll calm your nerves during your shift. Also, the audio system is hooked up through out the building to play some little kids voice to help our visitors feel at home just like at the old diner. You can test out the system if you want..Have a little fun why not. That should be it for the night...Oh, one more thing! We also, found a boarded up room in the basement and guess what: We found an actual animatronic!! Though we're not so sure on if it'll activate or not. I don't think it'll work as it does look to be in pretty bad shape. But, hey at least it's a interesting find. But, I wouldn't advise you to go near it as it is a old, springlock suit, and springlock suits are not safe to wear at all. I never seen how the company would've approved such a unsafe thing for employees to wear. But, anyways have a good night!" The phone call ended.

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