The Diner Has Shutdown!?

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Mitchboe's POV

It was in the afternoon when I arrived in town. I was on the street, and the diner was just around the corner. It was starting to rain. I started running to diner as fast as I could. When I got to the diner....It looked rather different! Was it remodeled you ask? I wish, I could say that. But, unfortunately, it looked abandoned. The outside of the diner was all boarded up. I ran closer to the diner, hoping it was just a illusion. I walked up to the entrance, and it looked like it was neglected. I started to fall to my knees and cry like the rain. Why did the diner close down all the sudden? What happened to Springy?

I got up off the concrete and tried to open the door. To my surprise, it opened. I had no place to go to get out of the rain as my mother and father passed a way while I was serving in the military. I walked on inside and it was dark. I pulled out my flashlight from my bag I was given by the military and turned it on. The place was abandoned for sure. All the tables were covered in dust as was the floor. I walked up to the show stage and climbed up on it. I turned around to see the whole dining room. A flashback of me coming to the diner and meeting Springy for the first time appeared. I snapped back to reality and teared up. I went backstage to Springy's room.

Springy's room door was wide open and I walked inside to see that it was empty. I seen her old outfit laying on the floor. I picked it up and held it to my chest as I cried. A flashback of me and Springy having sex for the first time appeared before me. I cried even harder.

"Springy, why did you have to go!!!!?" I shouted to myself.

I heard thunder rumble outside and lighting flashed from the entrance of the diner. I was stuck her for night. luckily, I noticed Springy's bed was still in her room...And it appeared clean oddly. I turned down the covers and it was just as clean as could be. No need for a sleeping bag, I guess. I took off my boots and I laid down in her bed and covered myself up. I cried myself to sleep.

As I drifted off to sleep, I heard Springy's voice echo through the diner.

"Mitch-Kun!!! I'm so sorry for not writing you back!!!" It said. I raised up out of bed upon hearing her voice.

"Springy!!!!" I shouted.

I got up out of the bed and put my boots back on. I grabbed my flashlight and walked out of the room. I walked out to the show stage and shined my flashlight around the dining room, but nobody was there. A flash of lighting sparked outside and a loud crack of thunder sounded outside. It felt like the diner was haunted now. I started to get scared...In fact, more scared than when I was in combat. I would've ran back to the room, grabbed my bag, and make a run for it. But, it was too stormy outside to run out into. So, I had no choice but to stay here for the night.

Giggling echoed through the diner and I jumped. I was scared, but then I was starting to get annoyed at the same time.

"Who's there!!!!?" I shouted.

"Mitchboe. Mitchboe." A familiar echoed from the arcade.

I jumped off the show stage and walked to the arcade. I shined my light into the arcade seeing the old arcade machines covered in dust and cobwebs.

"Mitchboe..." The familiar voiced echoed again.

" The familiar voiced echoed again

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