First Day As A Janitor

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Mitchboe's house

Mitchboe's POV

I walked into my house and I was greeted by my mom.

"Mitchboe, you're home!" She hugged me.

"I have a job now, mom." I said as I hugged her.

"R-Really!?" She said kinda shocked.

"Yeah, I'm the janitor at Fredbear's Anime Diner." I said.

"Oh, honey, you don't know how proud I am of my baby!" She gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah, I'm gonna be a busy man. I'll be working from 3-9 O'clock, five days a week." I said.

"Just like you're father, Mitchboe. He just got called out to work for the railroad." Mom sorta frowned. (Dad's hardly ever around due to his job. I mostly see him on Sundays when he's off.)

"If you're father was here, he would've been proud that our baby has got his first job." Mom smiled.

"I know, mom." I smiled.

"I have to go do my homework." I said as I went up stairs to my room.

"I'll call you when dinners ready!" Mom shouted as I went up the stairs.

The next day

Spring Bonnie's POV

"I'm so happy for you and Mitchboe, Springy!" Goldie said.

Me and Goldie were hanging near the arcade talking about Mitchboe.

"Yeah, I've never been so much happier in my life!" I smiled.

Goldie looked at her watch.

"Well, it's 3 O'clock! Mitchboe will be here soon!" Goldie smiled.

At Mitchboe's school

It's a good thing, gym is my last class of the day which makes it easy for me to change into my janitor uniform for work after school. Also, it's a good thing this is the last month of my junior high school year. I'll be a freshman next school year which means I get to take ROTC!

With minutes to spare before school let's out, I headed to the locker room to change into my janitor uniform. A great thing about having this job is I get to be the first student to leave the school on of count of my job.

I run out of the locker room while carrying my duffel bag on my shoulder.

"See you tomorrow, Mr Gatewood! I got a job to do!" I said to the gym teacher as I exited the gym.

"Good luck on your first day of the job, Justine!" He said by my last name.

I started running to the side walk where my boss was waiting to pick me up to take me to work. I got in the car.

"Ready for your first day of work, lad?" He asked me with a smile.

"You bet you I am!" I said so excited.

Spring Bonnie's POV

I seen Mitchboe and the boss walk into the convention. I ran up to him and greeted him with a kiss to the lips.

"Mitch-Kun!" I said so happy.

"It's so good to see you again, Springy!" Mitchboe said as he hugged me.

"You can start off you job by sweeping up the place before the crowd gets here." The boss said.

"I'm on it, boss." Mitchboe said.

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