Finial Night...

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Heads up!!!!! Lemon!!!!

Mitchboe's POV

I woke up on what looked like to be Springy's old bed. I was also, back at the building in the office where I worked at. I had my clothes on and they smelled exactly clean. I noticed my watch wasn't telling time anymore, nor the clock in the office was working. It felt like time has stopped all the sudden. I got up from the bed and walked over to the window of my office. I saw the words: "Go to the basement" written on the wall outside the window. I was curious on why they said, go to the basement. I was feeling scared as I had no way of defending myself from whatever horrors a wait me. I sighed and started out the door of my office. When I got to the hallway, it looked like it was way, way different than usual. The hallway looked long in a never ending style. There was red carpet going all the wall down the hall and chanticleers were on the ceiling going down the hall.

"Come to me..." A voice whispered.

I knew that was Springy's voice. This scenery must be a sign she is done...or mostly done tormenting me. I started walking down the hall to where the voice came from. As I walked down the hall, I saw different portraits of me, Springy, Goldie, and Mari on the walls. I seen statues of me, Springy, Goldie, and Mari further on down. On up ahead of me was Goldie. She looked at me with a smirk on her face. I wasn't interested in stopping to talk to her, so I walked on past her. She walked backwards right in front of me and she had her hands on her hips. I tried again to walk past her, but she kept on cutting me off every time I tried to past her. I decided to give up and just go along walking with her in front of me.

"Did you enjoy nursing from me last night?" She said while walking backwards and jiggling her huge breast.

I blushed a deep red as I continued to walk down the hall. I cleared my throat and tried to avoid looking at her by looking down at the ground as I walked. Goldie, slowed her back walking down and I ended up bumping into her breast; which stopped me for a brief moment but then I continued my walking with her only a couple of feet walking backward in front of me. She grabbed my cheeks and held up my head with my face going into her boobs with only my nose above her boobs. I looked up at her as we continued walking down the hall.

"I know you enjoyed it last night. There's no need for you to be shy about it." She said.

"Yes...You were...Fair to do it with..." I said embarrassed.

Goldie, giggled at me. She grabbed my crouch causing me to moan slightly.

"You kept on cumming in my pussy every few minutes. That doesn't sound like you think I was fair to have sex with. You really enjoyed my body..In fact, it seemed you enjoyed it a little more than Springy's- not that'd she be jealous about as your mine as much as you are hers." She smirked.

"I love Springy..." I innocently said.

"You can love me to, hunn." Goldie said.

"I never had been in a relationship three girls...It would just feel kinda odd to me." I said.

"Have you not heard of such a thing as a harem?" Goldie asked.

"Not really..." I replied.

"Well, this is what this kind of relationship is honey. Springy, told me I was your girlfriend to. You can't reject that I'm afraid."Goldie said.

Goldie, backed away from me rubbing her forehead.

"Phhhhhhhh... It's starting to get really hot here. Why not make it hotter?" She smirked at me and winked.

Goldie started stripping her clothes as we walked. She was now in her sexy bra and thongs. She threw off her top hat and she shook her head.

"Haaaaaa! Much better!" She sighed.

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