War Is Hell

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"Alright men!!!!" The Sergent yelled. Everyone on the base gave their full attention to him.

We were on the base in Zogac and we were being lectured on the counter attack we would be pulling off tonight on the Mokonu's.

"Tonight, we will be heading into the war zone to launch our counter attack. We will be delivering a special bomb on the enemy stronghold to weaken their forces. Now, will you pussy's be up to the task of victory, or are you gonna die a coward!?" The Sergent yelled.

"Victory!!!!" We all yelled.

"That's what I want to hear!" The Sergent said.

"We have some letters for you guys." The Sergent said.

The mail carrier handed us our letters. He handed mine last to me. Springy wrote to me. I opened the letter and began reading it.

Dear Mitch-Kun,

     I hope you secede in your tour. I miss you really much. Please don't die on me, darling!!!! I been crying on my bed for you. I miss all the great times we had together for the past 5 years. I clearly remember the first day we've meet, and you became my boyfriend. I also, remember the greatest present I gave you on your sweet, 16th birthday. I will always keep you in my heart and never will I give my heart to another man...Even if you die!!!! Please, write me back very soon!

Love Springy

My heart weaped for Springy. I hope she'll get over this heart break soon. I have my plans to return to her once I finish my tour.

Time skip to night

"We are in enemy territory!" Whispered the commander.

Gun fire raged in the field as we hid in the thick grass of the marsh. A grenade exploded just a 100 feet in front of us. I sighed in relief that it didn't hit us.

"Alright men! Our spies have discovered a unwatched area to the west of our location. Let's move!" The commander said.

We moved through the marsh going west. The gun fire and the explosions started to die off as we moved to the unwatched area. We were out of the marsh and we started crawling our way to a tall, barbed wired fence.

"Alright, there is no danger at the moment. Cut the wire, Trapper!" The commander ordered.

Trapper cut the wire with his wire cutters and we crawled underneath the fence. We came to a hill and we peaked over the hill to see the Mokonu's just patrolling around their base unaware of our presence. We scoped them out on our binoculars.

"Alright, men! Let's make our way to that tank down there!" The commander said.

We carefully made our way to the unmanned tank not to be spotted by the Mokonu's. We peaked around the corner to make sure the coast was clear.

"Mitchboe, Trapper, make your way up to the guard tower up there! Don't get spotted!" The commander commanded.

"We gotta take out the guards without alerting the base..." I got cut off by the commander.

"That's the plan! You guys snipe out the Mokonu's from there while the other men go plant the explosives in the weapon warehouse. I'm counting on you guys!"

"Let's go, bro!" Trapper said.

Me and Trapper made our way to the watch tower being careful not to get spotted. We went up the steps and when the guards weren't looking our way, we silently killed them with our knifes. We picked up their sniper rifles and we spot lighted the Mokonu's from above.

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