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I couldn't leave you all hanging with the true ending of the story. Read on and enjoy.

Mitchboe's POV

I have just gotten back from a two day job on the railroad. It's a good thing, I get the day off tomorrow because I am beat. I heard the horn of a train coming from the back of my house. I went to my back porch. A wood chip local was returning from the mill about five miles from my house. Three Sd-40-2's were pulling a 40 car load of wood chips.

"Hey bro!" The conductor of the train was Ronin; a friend that worked with me on the railroad. He waved at me out of the engine window. I waved back at him.

Springy was on my mind. It's been three long months without her. I went into my house to go take a shower. After I was done, I got out and dried off. I put my Jami's on and went down stairs into the kitchen to make me something to eat. I ate me a grilled cheese sandwich. After eating it, I ate me a pint of Ben and Jerry's half baked ice cream. After eating, I went to the living room to watch some Cowboy Bebop.

"Man! I really wish you were her to watch this with me, Springy!" I said and then sighed.

All the sudden, a gust of wind blew through the living room. I started to panic. A big, bright ball of light formed beside me. I felt something grab my arm. I tried to get away, but whatever grabbed my arm was preventing me from doing so. The ball of light formed into a figure, then the figure became clear.

"Did you miss me, darling?" The figure said.

I was shocked. The figures voice sounded like Springy.

"Who are you?" I asked the figure.

The figure reached over me and she turned the lamp on the table beside me on. When the light came on...Springy was revealed.

"It's me, Spring Bonnie." Springy smiled.

I couldn't believe my eyes. I started to cry tears of joy. I hugged Springy. Springy hugged me.

"Where have you been these last couple of months!?" I cried.

"I was stuck in a eternal limbo. I was able to send you back to the real world. Your mind was stuck in eternal limbo. I didn't have enough power to bring myself out of the limbo. I wanted to be with you so bad. I cried my eyes out when I sent you back. It took me and Goldie three whole to figure out that she had part of my powers. She agreed to give me her power. With her power combined with mine, I had enough power to teleport back into the real world." Springy said.

"What happened to Goldie? Why is the dinner gone?" I asked.

Springy, dropped her head dead.

"Goldie vanished when I absorbed her power. But, don't worry, she's not suffering. When I sent you back to the real world, I wanted you to move on. So, I made the existence of the dinner disappear as it didn't take much power to do. I'm all out of power now. I'm just regular Spring Bonnie now." Springy raised her head up and smiled.

"So, Goldie is gone now?" I questioned.

"Yes, I'm afraid so." She answered.

"And the dinner disappearance was your doing?" I asked.

"Yeah." She replied.

"It was tough to move on without you..Even though I got everything I wanted." I said.

"I thought I was never going to see you ever again until I figured out that Goldie had part of my powers. But, now I'm back here with you." Springy hugged me again.

"Springy. I'm really sorry for making you go through all that torture." I said.

"No honey! It's not! It was all my fault for making you live through all that torture. I could've just came straight to you and got the answers I wanted. I'm really sorry for what I did to you. But, I'm here now, and I want to continue my life with you." She smiled.

My heart was filled back up with love. Me and Springy kissed passionately. I felt some kind of energy coarse through my body. I suddenly broke the kissing after the feeling past.

"What was that energy that went through me?" I questioned.

Springy giggled.

"I just gave you eternal life. You are a immortal just like me." She said.

"So, I won't age a bit? You won't age, wither?" I asked.

"We'll live forever. Nothing can hurt us. We'll be with each other forever." Springy smiled.

I cuddled Springy and we kissed. I rubbed her back and I noticed how much softer and lighter it was. She also, had no metal neck anymore.

"And you're not a robot anymore?" I asked.

"No. I'm a real living, immortal being. There's not a single ounce of robot in me." She smiled.

"Does this mean you can get pregnant?" I asked.

"Sadly no. But, I can still feel pleasure. ..Speaking of pleasure. I'm really horny right about now!!" Springy smirked.

Lemon. Lemon.

Springy's POV

After all those months being alone holding my urges in. I can finally make love with my Mitch-Kun! I ripped his clothes off. I slipped off my bra and dropped my panties down to the floor. I pulled Mitchboe down to the floor. We wrapped our arms around each others backs. My pussy engulfed his little cock and balls. We started kissing like no tomorrow as we moaned. Mitchboe came in me after about five minutes and I moaned very loudly as we continued our kissing. Mitchboe came in me about 20 times then I released a flood load of my cum. My cum got all over the floor. Mitchboe pulled out of me. But, I wanted more. I got down in on my belly with my butt sticking out at Mitchboe. He put his dick and balls all in my tight pussy hole. He grabbed the sides of my butt and started thrusting in me. I started moaning. He came in me again after five minutes.

"Don't you dare stop!!! Keep on working!!!" I demanded.

He continued thrusting in me with him cumming in me every five minutes. My pussy was filling up with his cum. I felt myself about to reach my limit again. I released another flood load of my cum on the floor. I turned around and started sucking on his cock and balls. He moaned with the feeling of my moist, warm, mouth on them. I swallowed his tenth load in my mouth. I then put his face in my pussy.

"Eat me, my love." I said.

He ate my pussy and I started to moan. He stuck his tongue in deeper and I moaned louder. He ate my pussy while I was trying my best to hold back my cum. I let out one final, loud, moan releasing a huge, hot, load of my cum all over Mitchboe's face and getting all over the floor. Mitchboe and I were breathing really heavily. We cuddled each other and kissed.

"Mitchboe...It's been so long since I had sex with you... This has been the hottest sex I ever had in my entire life!!" I said.

"Please, don't leave me ever again, Springy!!" Mitchboe said.

"I don't intend on doing that my love." I said.

We snuggled and we fell fast asleep. We soon got married. I lived as his house wife, taking care of the house and making diner for him while he worked his job on the railroad. Sometimes I didn't get to see him for two whole days. But, I was always happy as could be when he returned. We did super hot sex whenever one of us was in the mood. We have never been happier in our whole life.

This is the real finial chapter of this story. If you were expecting a sad ending, then fortunately this story doesn't have one as all my other stories don't have any nor will any future ones have any.

With all that said- this story is now ending. Hope you all enjoyed it. I'll see you all in the next story.

Peace out!!

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