First Night On The Job

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Mitchboe's POV

I drove by an abandoned set of railroad tracks, went through a abandoned railroad crossing; sad that this line was once very active. I went up a hill to a very old looking building. I parked my car at the front of the building. I got out and went to the front entrance. When I got inside, the placed looked old and wore down. The green tile floors looked pretty faded along with peeling wall paper on the green walls. My guess was that this building was once a huge yard office for the railroad yard that was no longer here. After 10 minutes of walking through the building, I finally found the office and just in time to as my shift started. The phone started to ring. I picked up the phone.

"Hey dude!" A dudes voice spoke in a recording.

"Congratulations on your new night guard job. Now, this place will be opening in two weeks as a Anime attraction...And you'll be staring as The Security Guard! It's a real shame the old Anime Diner had to shutdown due to a uncool accident. But, anyways we got all kinds of cool stuff from the old diner to show off to people when the place opens. Now, you're job as the night guard is to watch over the place, make sure nobody comes in and steals anything, and make sure the building doesn't catch on fire. It's amazing that this building caught on fire before in the past, but the weird thing is this building has still got the old wiring in it and it's still working. And did I mention that this building is old? Well, the ventilation does tend to act up every so often. But, don't panic if you feel the air getting kinda stale, or you'll be seeing some pretty strange stuff in there. Check on the control module on the wall near the entrance to your office if you feel the air is going stale. It'll display a error message on the ventilation system and you'll need to reboot it. Also, the cameras will glitch out due to the old wiring and you'll need to reboot the system when that happens. Well, that's all we got for now. Good luck on your shift." The phone call ended.

Just as the phone call ended, a cold chill went up my spine. I turned on the desk top to see that it was hooked up to a camera system that watched over the building as the dude on the phone said. I switched through the cameras and seen nothing so far. There was a big, glass window in my office, it showed the hallway you come from to get into the office. I stared out the window feeling like someone could be watching me. The window was most likely for viewing people coming by my office to the exit of the building. I don't have the keys to that door by the way as I only got the front entrance key. If something were to happen I would be screwed as it would take me some time to get to the front entrance.

I sat in my chair, thinking about Springy. Will I really not see her again? Are these horror events I just experienced earlier just illusions from me being guilty about moving on in life, forgetting about Springy? But, what about Goldie and Mari from the diner I seen in their phantom forms a year ago? Could I just have been imagining them all because I felt so guilty and lost about Springy? When the morning came, it felt like I just had some kind of a dream. Damn it! I just want to be with Springy!

The air started to get musty. I got up and went over to the control module near the entrance of my office on the wall. What...It doesn't say anything about a error? I assumed it must've been my imagination. I sat back down in my chair. I looked at my army watch and it was only 12:40. Man, time sure does move slow in this place it seems like. I turned on the cameras and started flipping through them. But, after checking three cameras, the system started glitching and the screen went to static. I sighed, and got up to reboot the system. The control module didn't show any errors on the cameras. What the...Is the thing malfunctioning or something? I just pressed the reboot button on the cameras anyway as I thought just that. I went to sit back down and I checked the cameras. They were working now, but still a little static on them, though. I was starting to feel a little light headed. Shit! I forgot about the ventilation system! I got back up to go reboot the system, but as I was about to reset the system I heard a creepy, small giggle. I heard it coming from the hallway. I took out my 40 caliber Glock and steeped out into the hallway.

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