The Fright Mare

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That is the intro of Mitchboe's Fright mare (There's no need to watch through the whole video, just a couple of minutes should do to get the vibe in.)

Mitchboe's POV

I have just pulled into my driveway. I got out of the truck and went up to the door of my house and took out my keys to unlock it. I closed the door behind me and went to the kitchen to find me something to eat. There wasn't the smell of pizza this time in the kitchen. I opened the pantry door slowly as I feared that thing from yesterday would be in there. Thank the stars it wasn't in there! Well, it looks like there is only a box of cereal in there. Damn it! I knew I should've went grocery shopping the other day! I was too tired to head back out to do some grocery shopping, so I guess I'll be eating cereal. At least I have milk in the fridge to make up a big bowl of it. I ate my big bowl of cereal and I put my bowl in the sink. I let out a yawn and headed to the living room to watch some TV to try and clear my mind of what I just experienced last night. I would've quit, but I need the money as my military compensation wasn't enough to support me. I flipped through the channels trying to find something good to watch. I put it on the sportsman channel since I do like hunting. I watched a couple of guys go on our deer hunt somewhere in Arkansas. One guy was watching a mighty, 14 point, buck come into the area where he was positioned in his tree stand. He aimed his rifle at the mighty buck and in a second of aiming, he hit the buck. The deer took off flying through the woods. But as I watched the deer ran into the brush....The TV started to glitch and change to a eerie, background like you would see in a horror movie. Oh no...Another scary episode is about to happen! A monstrous, shadow was coming out of the TV screen. I jumped up from the sofa and tried to make a run for it, but the shadow stretched its long, monstrous-looking arm out and grabbed me. I tried to get out of its grip. The grip was too strong and I was pulled into the TV as I screamed. My eyes flashed before me and I blacked out.

I woke up in what appeared to be a old, abandoned-looking house. I got up off the floor and took out my flashlight. There was dust everywhere in the house and I was in some kind of room. I shined my flashlight on the door that looked like it lead out of the room. I went to the door and opened it. I walked out of the room. It looked like I was upstairs as my flashlight revealed the railing of the stairway. I then heard crying coming from downstairs, it sounded like Spring Bonnie's crying. I rushed downstairs as the stairs creep and squeaked. When I got downstairs I saw Springy crying in front of a picture of me. It looked like she was crying over me being killed or something. I walked up behind her with a sad look on my face.

"Springy...I'm here, babe..." She didn't pay not a bit of attention to me. She continued to cry.

"Springy...Do you not here me?" I tried to get her attention again. But she continued to cry.

I went to put my hand on her back, but then she vanished before my very eyes.

"What!?! No!!!" I cried.

"Why are you torturing me?!" I cried out.

I heard a sinister, demonic laugh from behind me. I turned around and saw a nightmarish-looking, male rabbit, animatronic. I gasped in horror.

"Who in the hell are you!?" I screamed.

"I am, the nightmare of your dream...I am vengeance on the pain you caused to the very person you cared about! I am, SPRINGTRAP!!!" He yelled in a demonic voice.

"Now, suffer the consequences, and DIE!!!!" He roared. He started to charge at me.

I dodged him.

"Not on my life, pal!!" I jumped out of a window next to me and I ran for my life. I ran through the woods and came out into what looked like a grave yard. A big tombstone caught my eyes. I walked up to it, and looked at the writing on it.

The tombstone had Spring Bonnie's name on it in big writing engraved in the stone. I fell to my knees and hugged the tombstone as I started to cry.

"Why Springy!? Why did you have to die?!" I cried. It started to rain as I continued to hug her tombstone.

I then, heard the same demonic laugh again.

"Because you're such a careless, fucking cunt!" I turned around to see Springtrap behind me.

Springtrap, grabbed me by the throat and he gave me a scary grin.

"I'm gonna make you suffer for the pain you caused, Spring Bonnie!" He put me in a spring lock suit. He closed the suit up with a crank on the back of the suit. The suit snapped and I blacked out.

I woke up in the house I ran out of. Springtrap was standing in front of a big mirror on the wall. He grinned at me.

"Took a look in the mirror and see your punishment." He said. He steeped aside.

 He steeped aside

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I gasped in horror as I screamed. I was in a spring lock suit that was wittered. Springtrap, laughed manically as I screamed, "Noooooooo!!!!"

I woke up on my sofa, gasping heavily and I was drenched in sweat. Thank the stars it was only a dream. I dropped my head down to the floor worried what if she really was dead and her spirit was haunting me.

"Springy. Please be alive!" I said.

I noticed the clock on the knickknack in the living room was at the same time I would be leaving for work. I didn't have time to take a shower. I just put on some deodorant and grabbed the keys off the table and headed out to work. I wonder what will be waiting for me at work tonight? 

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