Ch 1- Fangs and Fears

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The rain pelting against the roof of the car seemed to match the feelings of the two girls occupying the back seat. One leaned her head against the window, a sad expression on her face, while the other sat perfectly straight and read the book in her lap, no expression on her face.

The younger girl, the one with her head against the window, had light red hair that came down to her shoulders and light blue eyes. She was smaller than most in height, but not so much that she was considered a dwarf coming at five foot two. Her chest was small, with not much more than apples to compare to. She was wearing an oversized black sweater that fell off her shoulders and came to her knuckles at the sleeves and her mid thigh at the bottom, a pastel pink frilly skirt that just barely came below her sweater, black knee high stockings, and pink pastel goth shoes. A small black clip shaped like a bow kept her bangs out of her eyes.

The older girl, though not actually much older than the other but much taller, had long, dark red hair that came well past her rear and was kept back by a large black ribbon tied in a bow but her bangs and two long strands of hair framed her face. Her eyes were a light golden color with a hint of white in them. She wore a cream colored sweater, one with a tighter fit than the other girls but still fairly loose on her, with a v neck that partially showed her shoulders and three buttons running down at either shoulder with a yellow bow on the neck, a brown frilly skirt that came down just past her mid thighs, black past the knees stockings, and black flats that showed off the dainty shape of her feet. With the sweater, her chest appeared small, just how she liked it, but they were actually compatible to the size of melons.

Both girls had a slim figure and the same face type. Typical, considering they were sisters. Twins, to be exact. The one with the longer hair was older by two days, her younger sister being one of those rare birthing anomalies, but neither held it over the other. They still considered the other their twin.

The driver suddenly pulled into a long drive that curved around in a rainbow shape and back out into the road. "We're here." He stopped a good twenty feet from the door and let the car idle.

The older sister sighed as she ran her finger down the page to remember her place and closed the book with her other hand. She pulled out her umbrella, slung her backpack over her shoulder, and exited the car after opening her umbrella. She walked to the trunk, opened it, and took out her brown medium sized rolling suitcase.

The younger sister followed her older one out, also opening her umbrella, and stood at the back with her sister. She looked at her large pink suitcase now sitting alone in the trunk as her long haired sister closed it. "This stinks." She skidded the soul of her shoe across the pavement, momentarily ignoring the fact she'd gotten it wet, knowing she could clean it off in the car.

"I know," the older sister agreed, her voice low in the rain, "but there is nothing much we can do for awhile." A sad silence fell over them. She placed her hand on her sisters shoulder and pulled her into a one armed hug, causing her to drop her umbrella. "I promise, as soon as I turn eighteen, I'll file the papers and get this whole mess straightened out. You take of you, okay?"

"Okay," the smaller girl replied, hugging her sister back, knowing this to be their special code. They eventually pulled apart, the taller not wanting to be caught up in a tearful goodbye, and her older sister walked toward the large double door. She quickly picked up her umbrella and climbed back into the car. As it was pulling away, she whispered, "I love you, too." When they left the drive, she suddenly realized how big the mansion really was.

The elder sister watched the car leave and disappear down the road. She turned back to the doors, which would probably be the size of a giants doll house doors and took a deep breath before knocking. She heard not a sound from the other side and thought no one had heard her. She was about to knock again when the door made a loud creak as it swung open with no one on the other side.

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