Chapter 3 - The Bounty

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Romeo's POV

I woke the next morning feeling like I was on cloud 9, I couldn't wait to tell her all about the pact our fathers had made and the family we were going to become. As I looked over at her small frame, admiring her beauty as I played with a few strands of her long silky brown hair. I just hoped she didn't think that this was the reason I asked her to marry me because it wasn't, I truly love her and always have.

My phone's shrill ringing brought me out of my trance, and I rolled over quickly to scoop it up from the nightstand so that it wouldn't wake her up. "Hello." I answered confused as the caller ID said unknown, and no non-members should be able to call this number. "You better think fast if you want to keep her alive, I've just placed a 10 million dollar bounty on her head." I didn't know this voice, but the voice was definitely male. "Who is thi-" I was cut off, as they hung up the phone. I got out of bed scurrying round the floor to find my clothes, I was rushing and thumbling around trying to find them. In the end I just went into the closet to get new clothes and donned a crisp white dress shirt and blue suit quickly before going down to the tech room, I wanted answers.

I opened the door to find Jamie sat with his feet up on the desk playing on his phone. My nose twitched in irritation, as I cleared my throat. Jamie finally noticed me and scrambled to his feet. "Sir, what can I do for you?" I walked up to him to look him dead in the eye. He slightly cowered in front of me, not long holding my gaze. "I want to know why I got a call from an unknown number and I want to know who it was." I said calmly and menacingly to the boy. He took a big gulp before answering. "I don't know how they could have gotten your number sir, just let me-" he squeezed past me in the small space I had left him and took a seat. "-access the system." I stood over him at his shoulder not relieving any of the pressure I had put on him. He typed frantically on the keyboard looking constantly at the screen. To me it just looked like a load of letters and numbers on a screen, I didn't understand it, which added to my frustration. "Well?" I asked after a few minutes wanting answers. Patience was not one of my good traits.

"It looks like someone has accessed our system through some ones device and got your number that way, but they have left no digital fingerprint to be able to find out who they are." I lowered my head level to his ear and squeezed his shoulder annoyed . "So your telling me you don't know." He gulped again and I could see sweat starting to bead on his forehead. "Not yet, but I will find out for you. Although it will take some time, sir." He nervously glanced at me, before back at the screen. "You have 1 hour, get no one to help you on this and you will report to me personally, this is extremely important. Do you understand?" He was nodding frantically at me. "Yes sir."

I went to my office to find out if the bounty on Carmela's head was true, I didn't ask Jamie to find this out for me as I could find this information out for myself. I sat in my desk chair and switched on my laptop. It felt like it took hours for the laptop to boot up and load, which wasn't doing anything for my temper. I opened the app where any and all underground jobs would be posted to see if the unknown caller's information was correct. I didn't have to search long until I found it, the voice was telling the truth. I rested my head on my hands while reading the information about the job, my eyes scanned over the wording on the screen only to find my own estates address written as somewhere where she could be found, which was alongside a photo of Carmela which were taken when we went on our first date to Coney Island. The photo only served as a reminder of what I couldn't lose.

Shit, this wasn't good. There are going to be hundreds of assassins, mobs and criminals crawling all over this place in a matter of hours and I needed to get everyone out of here and fast, not to mention I needed to get Carmela to a safe location. I rubbed my hand over the stubble on my jaw thinking of my options, as I started to device a plan in my mind, I needed to put it into action quickly.

Heartless Soul Book 2 of the Heartless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now