Chapter 23 - In Motion

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Carmela's POV

"You don't have to do this Mel?" She hadn't said anything since we left Romeo's office, just stared as if she was in a world of her own. I pulled her from the room because Enzo and Romeo coming to blows wasn't exactly the best environment for her to be in right now. She needed to get her head around the fact her brother has be following her for unknown reasons not trapping him. I was furious with Romeo for doing this to her, we all wanted this to be over, but he is asking far too much.

We walked into Mel's room and I sat her down on the bed and started to remove her shoes. "Camy, can you leave me alone." Her voice was devoid of emotion. "Of course. If that's what you want. Please talk to me tomorrow though, I'm worried about you." Again she was silent but nodded as her shifted herself onto the bed properly a faced away from me. I knew she wouldn't sleep tonight, her mind wouldn't let her which made me not want to leave her, but I had to respect her wishes. "Goodnight Mel." Was the last thing I said before closing the door.

Romeo's POV

After I had made my commands and Mel accepted what she had to do, Enzo and I continued to argue about it. We were stood toe to toe screaming at each other, but there were no other way. I get that Enzo wants to protect Mel, but this is bigger than her this involves all of us, especially Carmela and I will not tolerate anyone that wants to do her or the baby harm. Murderous thoughts were flashing through my mind at the thought of anyone touching her. "She is not going to do this Romeo." Enzo repeated while in my face. Out of all of my men he would be the only one who could do this, demand things of me but that didn't mean he would get his way. "She is, and she will." I calmly stated again. "I won't allow it." He instantly screamed back. "Yes, you will." He knew deep down this was going to happen, but he didn't have to be happy about it. "Romeo please. I can't let her do this. What if something happens to her." He pleaded.

Timo placed a hand on Enzo's shoulder. "Come on man. This wouldn't be a half assed effort and you know that." Enzo nodded reluctantly knowing that's the truth. "What's the plan?" Anger was still plain on his face, but he was coming around to the idea. "We need Mel to carry on as normal which is going to be hard now she knows." Timo pointedly looked at me, I rolled my eyes at him. I knew I overreacted but what's done is done. "We will keep an eye on her at all times, you can even be with her a few times to keep up appearances as you or her, do some small jobs. We need to find out where he is most likely to approach her."

Enzo flopped into a chair and sighed. "Every Thursday she goes to the park. That's the place he will approach her, she planted a tree in Thomas's memory." He gave us just what we needed, and he knew it. "Timo get me surveillance on the area, and I want her to have a hidden camera on her at all times, as well as audio. Enzo you and her can start doing drops at the warehouse and she can do the banking for the club. I want this is start tomorrow and we will give it three weeks and go over the information again then. If were not sure he will approach, then we will pull the idea." Enzo looked at me reassured that we wouldn't rush this or put her in harm's way.

I walked into the bedroom after nailing down some more details with the boys, the clock read 4.43am. Fuck I'm tired I just wanted to get in bed and hold my rose in my arms, but as I stripped out of my clothes and turned to the bed my pillows were missing. "What the?" I commented under my breath not wanting to disturb her. "You are sleeping on the sofa." Am angry voice sounded from other side of the bed. "Like fuck I am." I retorted sarcastically. She shifted in bed to look at me, if looks could kill, I'd be dead. "What was that?" Her mood wasn't getting any better. "No." I simply replied not wanting to repeat my original answer and anger her more. She made no reply, but an evil smirk played on her lips, as her eyes roved over my body until they stopped at my intimate area. The look she eyed me with didn't in the slightest made me think she wanted to play, but made me fear for my manhood, so I retreated to the sofa and sat down. "Good boy." My anger flared as I made myself comfortable on the sofa for the night.

My pillow being snatched from under my head shocked me awake and I pointed my gun in the general direction of a familiar voice. "Someone's in the doghouse." Enzo laughed at my obvious exile to the sofa. "Fuck off." I was in no mood for jokes this morning, I needed a strong coffee and to go to my training room to work on my mood. "Coffee?" Timo handed me a cup and I gratefully accepted it. "Cameras were installed in the park, and the surrounding entrances and exits as well as some walkways where the tree is. Melanie has been given a broach with camera and audio in it and she has gone to the club now." Timo informed me that our plan was in motion. "No sightings as of yet." The update didn't surprise me as I downed the coffee. "I'll be in the gym. I want updates every hour."

My room of solace, my mood instantly improved as I started to tape my knuckles tightly. I walked over to the control system for the room and pressed play and turned to start my work out as a females voice started to blare from the speakers. 'Don't fuck with me.' My anger flared at the girly shit that was ruining my sanctuary, I saw red as the song continued as if all the words were actually from Carmela to me rather than in general and I started to destroy the punching bag. Once I had tired from throwing punches, I finally was able to change the music. Pressing on my playlist I turned to continue my workout but could no longer use the punching bag as it laid on the floor, weights it is.

Carmela's POV

Before Mel left for the day we talked, and she reassured me that she was okay with the task she would eventually have to do. Her sincerity in her voice made me believe her and she shared details of her past and her brothers with me, I felt closer to her as a friend and pinned the broach to her blazer lapel as she was leaving the house that Timo wanted me to give to her.

"Where's Romeo this morning?" Enzo asked as he longingly watched Mel drive away. I shrugged my reply, not really caring at the moment as I was still mad at him. "That bad eh?" Enzo's carefree attitude caused a small smile to cross my lips. "I left him on the sofa this morning." This made him double over in hysterics and I left him to try and explain his laugher to Timo but couldn't fully form his words to tell him. The next I heard was them to running up the stairs laughing from the living room.

"Hey Camy, what's got into them two?" Amy called to me from the door as she came to flop herself down placing her head on my lap. I explained everything that happened last night with Mel and what the plan is now in regard to her brother, but left out the part where Mel really didn't want to cause harm to him, but she knew Romeo would have other ideas. Amy was completely on my side until the full plan was explained and then she was neutral, she knew where her loyalties lay with both me and to Romeo. I suspected she didn't want to get involved with our fight, and I couldn't blame her.

The plan although sound in its appearance was well thought out but something was niggling at me and I didn't like it. I needed to talk to Romeo see what he thought about my addition to the plan. I went in search of him, I knew with me making him sleep on the sofa he would be in a very bad mood so there was only one place I would find him. I walked into the gym and he was punching the hell out of the punching bag, the chains were protesting at every punch the bag received and I could see it wouldn't last long at this rate. Sure enough its bindings didn't hold, and it fell to the floor, but Romeo didn't let up and continued where it lay on the floor. I took a seat on the weight bench and got comfortable watching him work out.

Every muscle in his arms and back where prominent, even the veins in his neck bulged, his groans were animalistic and sweat coated his whole body and stuck his hair to his head, except for his fringe that flopped over his left eye. Jesus the seer raw power of his man was doing things to me, my core was aching for him. The music caught my attention and realised it was my playlist, I bit my lip. I think I may have contributed more to his mood than I first thought. He started to slow his attack and sat back on his heels trying hard to regain his breath, before walking over to the control and switching the playlist. He turned to the side to see the damage before turning and finally noticing me.

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