Chapter 1

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"BRINLEY!", My dad shouts from downstairs, I shot up on my bed in fear as I'm thrown from my deep sleep. I turn over, taking my phone off charge with a huff and go to text my best friend Andie.

We've been best friends since I can even remember, our fathers are really close and always have been, they're like brother. Our fathers both work as surgeons which is how they met. That's how Andie and I met and we've been stuck to the hip ever since.

Me: Hey hoe, first day of school.. thank god it's the last year Xx

Andie: what's up bitch! I know. I'll be around soon to pick your ugly ass up Xx

Me: Okay Xx

I laugh putting my phone down on the bedside table and swing my legs to the edge of the bed. I stand up lazily and drag my feet across the floor, "I hate you morning", I say to myself. I walk over to my closet and go through my clothes. I have no clue what to wear, I guess I could go with my famous jeans and t-shirt. Fuck it, I'll change it up and put on camo trousers with a white crop top and a cap because I can't be bothered to do anything with my hair except brush it. I remember when I cared so much about what I wore and how I did my makeup at school but now I don't care because no one even looks my way. I like it that way though, I just want to pass and get into a good college.

 I like it that way though, I just want to pass and get into a good college

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I don't bother to apply my makeup because who actually cares. I go back over to my closet and slide on all white Nikes. I look in the mirror one last time and swing my backpack on my back before going downstairs. I enter the kitchen and my dad is sitting behind the island counter reading his newspaper and drinking his coffee like always unless he's called early into work. 

"Hi sweetie", his tone sweet to me like always. I don't think he's every shouted at me but yet again I'm a goodie two shoes and would rather sit in with Andie, and do homework. 

"Hey dad, surprised you're not at work", I smile.

"I wanted to see you on your first day of school, plus they don't need me in at the crack of dawn this morning", he smiles.

I hear a honk from outside and turn to walk out the kitchen, "Wait sweetie, you need something to eat", my dad says eager for me to eat like I don't eat at all. I swear he's trying to make me fat. I walk over to the countertop and reach my hand into the fruit bowl to pull out an apple, I bite into it and smile sarcastically. I walk out the kitchen to the front door and yell, "bye, love you!"

I hear a faint "love you too" as I close the door. 

I skip down the path and jump in Andie's car excited to see her like I haven't seen her in months when it was only yesterday, "Hey", she says with a huge smile.

"Hi", I say with a huge smile back.

She turned up the music as Andie pulls away from the sidewalk heading to school. When she parks the car we get out and headed for the school entrance. "Bye, I'll see you in second period"  I say. She gave me a smack on my ass and walks in the opposite direction, I laugh in response. While waving like the queen of England to Andie as she skips around the corner. I laugh and divert my eyes away from her, I turn the corner and hit someone's hard chest and fall flat on my ass, "Ouch!", I yelp in pain. That hurt like a bitch, my face and my ass. 

Did I hit a damn rock!

"Could you watch where you're going", a masculine angry voice says speaks and I finally look up to be met with the hottest guy I've ever seen. I jump up to my feet feeling embarrassed. He just stares at me, he looks me up and down in disgust like I'm something stuck on the bottom of his shoe. He steps around me with a scoff walking off and disappearing around the corner. Wow, what a dick. he didn't have to be so rude after all we walked into each other. I go to my locker and punch in the combination. I take out my notebook and feel a tap on my shoulder, I turn around knowing who it is because I can smell his earthy cologne. 

"Ugh what do you want, asshole?" I scoff.


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