Chapter 38

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It's been a month since I saw Hunter breakdown in front of me. It's still pains my heart everyday. During this awful mouth I tried staying positive. I would smile, a fake smile towards Hunter reassuring him I will come back to him. Well, I hope he realises that's what I was doing. He never smiles back though, he probably hates me now that I've broken his heart twice.

I've cried most nights missing Hunter, wanting to be near him. I found myself hovering over his name on my phone sometimes but I always stopped myself. I thought about running back into his arms telling him I'm sorry and I want him back but I shouldn't feel this pain of not wanting to live without him, he probably doesn't even want me now. I should be living for myself not for anyone else, I can't love and care for someone when I can't love myself.

I still miss him like mad even if I tell myself I don't. I notice he has gained muscle in the last few weeks and I just want to rip his clothes off and ride him, It's pathetic but I can't help it. I sometimes find myself drooling over him but he never notices. He never seems to look my way or he is deliberately tries to avoid me.

I've never been more sexually frustrated in my life. I've contemplated about touching myself but it felt weird to even think about. I've started to feel better about myself again lately, I know I've gained weight but I couldn't care it makes me feel better. I've been spending a lot of time with my dad when he's not at work and when he is I'd spend time with Andie or Wyatt so I don't sulk at home alone. My mother also came back a few days ago while my dad was at work, I've decided to let her explain herself since It's been playing on my mind, I deserve that much. She wants to meet for coffee today. I feel extremely nervous about it. I still haven't told my dad about her yet and I don't think he'll take it well.

I'm currently with Andie at her locker, I'm stressing to her about meeting my mother and she said it will be fine, I sigh waiting for her to get her stuff out of her locker. I hear a masculine voice softly speak and I cock my head towards him.

"Brin, can I talk to you?", he loudly says looking between Andie and I, I was about to speak back but Wyatt walks up before I can.

"What's up guys", He smiles not noticing Hunter standing there.

"Alone?", Hunter says before letting me reply to Wyatt.

"Uhm...", I clear my throat not wanting my voice to break, him wanting talk to me right now makes me madly happy but It shouldn't. I want to but I can't seem to allow him back in, I'm just becoming happy with myself again. I'm scared about letting him back in all honesty, "I have class", I avoid eye contact.

"After school then?", he sounds super desperate I almost feel the need to say yes but I remember I'm meeting my mother.

"I can't", I reply and I watch his face drop further.

"Why?", I can hear the sadness in his voice.

"I uhm...I'm meeting my mother", I stutter out. Why am I all of a sudden nervous and what's up with the stuttering like calm down Brinley.

"What?", he says, did he not hear me? Did I not say that loudly. I watch as his face turns into anger, he obviously heard me. I look at Andie and Wyatt giving them a nod for them to leave us alone.

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