Chapter 24

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It's been a full week, Hunter and I have been amazing and we haven't had one fight so that's a bonus. Hunter has been staying with me because he doesn't have anywhere else to go. He says he will get an apartment because he has the money but he can't keep spending the money on the hotel. I secretly don't want him to get one just because I really like waking up to him and having late night talks and the none stop sex, it's been magical. It has been the best week of my life.

"What you thinking about?", He asks bringing me from my thoughts, I realise I was staring at him sleeping for ages.

"Just that it's been the best week of my life", I admit.

"Me too, baby", I roll on top of him straddling his torso, I kiss his neck softy.

"Again?", He beams.

"Yes", I nod whispering into his ear, he grabs my hips tightly with groans of happiness, I lower myself into him rolling my hips.

"Baby, you better go to this doctor soon", he thrust against my rolling hips.

"I know", I moan digging my nails into his shoulders.


"I've found my apartment", he beams.

"Yeah?", I look out the car window.

"Yeah, it's great especially for the baby. I found it a couple of days ago", he boosts.

"Hmhmm", I hate that he'll be moving out and I'm being selfish... I know. I want him all to myself but I know that can't happen. I should be happy he'll be involved with the baby because if he wasn't it would make me wonder if he would be involved if I were pregnant but because he's going to be involved I know he'd be involved if I had his baby and deep down I don't think I want babies.

"Brin? did you hear me?", I snap my head towards him, "We're at school", I notice he's killed the engine and I pull a smile and climb out the car.


School finishes fast, thank god. Hunter wants to show me his new apartment that he's so excited about it, I threw my feelings to the back of my mind because I know I should be happy because he is happy and I need to stop being so selfish. The apartment is beautiful, big and spacious. It's already furnished with greys and whites.

"I want to show you something", he enthuses.

"Okay?", he grabs my hand and leads me into a room, when he opens the door I stand in shock.

"We don't know the gender yet but when we find out I'll put colour into the room", he beams

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"We don't know the gender yet but when we find out I'll put colour into the room", he beams.

"Wow, it's beautiful", I smile in awe.

"You think?", He question.

"Yeah, I do" , I peck his lips. I feel jealously and I know I shouldn't but I do.

"Brin, are you okay?", He asks with worry flashing through his eyes.

"Yeah, I am", I smile. I don't want to tell him and he might think I'm a psycho because I'm jealous of a baby and Sofia, not because I want his babies but because they'll be together for life, Hunter and I might not be.

"Okay, can you stay here tonight?"

"Yeah take me to get clothes?"



We're back in his apartment, cuddled up on the couch waiting for our Chinese to arrive, we were watching Tangled because it was my favourite Disney movie but he said they were boring but he's bobbing his head to the music and laughing every now and then so he's lying. We eat our Chinese quickly and then headed for bed. His bed is so soft and I could stay here forever.

"We going to the party for Halloween?", He breaks the silence. I completely forgot about Halloween I've been thinking to much about Sofia and the baby.


"Jacob", he says. Jacob is friends with Alex and they're both jerks.

"Yeah sure", I shrug.


It's now Friday which is Halloween, I'm actually really excited to dress up. I begged Hunter to go with couple costumes he said he didn't want anything stupid, I made a list of all the costumes we can go with but he laughed at them all. We finally decided on Bonnie and Clyde, he chose it and I loved it. I'm surprised i didn't think of it.

When we arrive at Jacob's party it's decorated amazingly, lights flashing, fog machine, pumpkins, skeletons it's spooky and I love it. After dancing with Hunter and drinking god knows how much I stumble to the bathroom leaving Hunter in the kitchen talking to some guy from the football team. after I've done my business and head for the front door needing fresh air. When the fresh air hits I hear shouting, it sounds like Sofia and Jacob. They're down the side of the porch having an argument. I move slightly so they couldn't see me but I can hear them.

"I told you, I don't love you Sofia! I don't want anything to do with this baby!"


"Well it's yours Jacob!", huh? I thought it was Hunter's?

"It's not mine! You said it was Hunter's and I don't want nothing to do with it", Oh my god! am I hearing this right or am I drunk.

"It's not his... I know it's not because the dates don't match up!", She sobs breaking her heart to him.

"I don't care Sofia! Leave me alone. I don't fucking want it", my heart breaks for her but she shouldn't have lied to Hunter. I hear more sobs as Jacob walks away from her. I've got to tell Hunter... he was so excited and he decorated the room up and everything...I can't tell him it'll break his heart. I just can't, shouldn't it come from Sofia?


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