Chapter 45

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I awake in need to let my bladder burst loose. I kick the duvet off my body and groan. I look at my phone, "Only two Am", I groan to myself.

I pad towards the door and when I open it, my eyes dart to a sleeping Hunter in the middle of the floor. I step over his body and pad fast to the bathroom otherwise I'm going to wee myself. I do my business, wash my hands and walk back towards the bedroom.

I stare down at Hunter, I almost feel sorry for him because I have his bed. I'm still mad with him but I should probably wake him up and take him to bed. I bend down and shake his shoulder, he groans and opens his eyes with a flutter of confusion.

"Brin?", his husky voice speaks, he rubs his eyes as though he's making sure it's not a dream.

"Come to bed", I coo and reach for his hand trying to drag him up off the floor.

"What?", he rubs his eyes more.

"Come", I say.

He stands up gripping onto my hand and not letting go. I lead him into the bedroom, close and lock the door. I crawl into bed still hand in hand. I lay down and pull him down with me, I can tell he's still confused and lost through the dark.

"I'm sorry", He whispers cupping my cheek rubbing the pad of his thumb over my cheekbone, it makes my heart melt.

"Shh", I place my hand over his. I'm tired and I don't want to talk about this right now.

"I love you", he continues to rub my cheek, "So much, I'm sorry...I'll tell you anything you want to know. I can't lose you again", His voice cracks.

"I love you", I kiss his thumb as it runs over my lips, "Why did you sleep with her?", I ask full of hurt.

"I slept with loads of women throughout the years, I was hurting and lost. After my mother died I visited my brother in Australia, she was there gawking at me and I didn't care that she was sleeping with Brax. I didn't care about his feelings or anyone's for that matter. I just didn't care. I was lost with drugs and my mother dying, I used girls to release pain and anger. I know that's bad but you're the only one that I've wanted more with, you're the only one I've loved Brin. You've changed me, I've never been more happy in my life than when I'm with you, I feel worthy of being loved when with you and I love you Brin. Please don't leave me again", he whispers.

"I won't leave you, unless you give me a valid reason to. I promise, I appreciate you telling me... I really do. You telling me these things mean the world to me, I don't want secrets or lies between us. I'm here for you, always and I love you", I whisper.

He sighs in relief I know he was petrified of losing me but that won't happen, I don't want it to happen ever again. Wait, he didn't tell me about Jen. Well, I guess I haven't asked again.


"Hmm?", he replies running his fingers through my hair.

"W-Who is Jen?", I stutter.

I'm so scared of his answer. With the little moon lighting shinning through he removes his hand from my hair and places it under his head.

"A England", He sighs. I know he doesn't want to talk about it, every time someone mentions her name he gets mad. I need to know, it's been bothering me for so long.

"No secrets", I remind him.

"I know" He sighs turning onto his back, "She was the one that got me into drugs, well pressured me to do Cocaine, weed, pills, I did it all with her and her friends. I was around fourteen, she was older...seventeen to be exact. I didn't care about anyone, I would be out days on end, ditch school, drink, I was addicted to the buzz it gave me. It made me feel alive when I felt dead. I did all those things to get away from my father, it made me feel better. I slept with Jen thinking I was in love at the age of fourteen, she slept with other guys but I knew though. We would argue then we had sex when we were still so angry, we didn't resolve the situation or anything for that matter. It was violent sex, so violent and rough, sometimes I would hurt them, not meaning to of course. That's why I was so gentle with you the first time but after Jen that's when I started using sex for my anger, along with the drugs. So, when she didn't want to do the drugs anymore after a year. I thought she was boring and I just wanted to sleep with other people, I found her so dull but she fell in love with me during that year and one night we argued and I told her she was boring and I practically forced the drugs down her throat because I said awful things which coaxed her into taking the drugs. We had sex when we were high and when I woke up in the morning, s-she was blue and freezing, I called for an ambulance and when the autopsy came back it was due to drugs, she was bleeding and s-she was pregnant and lost the baby because I shoved drugs at her. That's why I was so hurt when Sofia's baby wasn't mine. I killed Jen, I killed someone Brin and I made her take the drugs while she was carrying my child. I turned myself in and told the police what happened and I did some time in Juvenile for drugs and manslaughter. It still didn't help with the guilt, when I got out I still smoked weed, nothing drastic. I did it just to feel numb, to forget and calm myself. I still hung out with the wrong people for years then my mother got sick and died, I then visited my brother a couple of months after and that's when I slept with Lauren, multiple times and, when I got back home it was still bad or even worse with my father beating me. I would still hang with the wrong people and feel sorry for myself and my father transferred his company here. I was so pissed off. That's when I met you and I was finally happy but I feel like I don't deserve it or you for everything so I continue to fuck it up", his voice full of sadness and cracks as he tries to not cry as he relives his childhood. I wipe a tear away as he finished telling me, I didn't even know I was tearing up.

"Don't cry, baby", he moves closer snaking his arm around my waist, he kisses my cheek as the tears fall.

He's had such a horrible life, I know what he did was wrong with Jen but I feel extremely sorry for him. He knows what he did wrong but he doesn't need to punish himself any longer. She gave him drugs in the first place to a fourteen year old boy, Is it bad that I love him more for telling me? I have new respect for him because he opened up and told me the truth, it makes my heartache for him even though I know how terrible it is. He did the time and he shouldn't punish himself any further.

"Say something", He whispers almost afraid of what I'm going to say. I realise I haven't spoken, I was deep in my thoughts, It's all too much.

"I'm sorry those things happened to you, I love you even more now that you've told me", My voice cracks.

"Did you not hear me? I killed someone"

"I did, but you didn't do it on purpose. You shouldn't live with this guilt anymore and you didn't know about the baby and she was partially to blame. She got you into those drugs and got you addicted, I know she wanted to stop but it was wrong for her to get a fourteen year old involved with drugs. You've done the time and you've suffered for years since a young age, give yourself a break, baby. You deserve to be happy", I place my small hand on his cheek. I pull my cheek away as his words live in a motion picture in my head as If I'm watching it in front of me. I turn away from him wanting to sleep to overtake my body.


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