Chapter 29

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"I would've came to see you!", Braxton yells.

"I know, you've got a whole other life now. I don't need you to protect me anymore!", Hunter calms his voice but you can tell his veins are still fuelled with anger as his fists clench as jaw sets.

"I will always protect you Hunter, you're my little brother and with everything that happened in the past with Jen. Are you hanging around with the wrong people again?", Braxton's eyes clip towards me.

"I told you not to mention it. Yes, I got stabbed but I'm fine...see", He gestures down his body.

"Was dad even there for you?", Brax looks down at his hands.

"I don't kn-"

"No, I was there every single day though", I blurt out cutting Hunter off. Hunter looks my way along with his brother. I can't sit there and act like he was there when he wasn't.

"Glad he had someone", Brax says looking into my eyes with a half smile as if he's thanking me.

I'm not even going to question who Jen is or what happened back in London. Hearing the name Jen makes me wonder if it was an ex girlfriend or worse.

A sting of jealousy pings in my chest. I wonder if he loved her, did she hurt him? Did he hurt her? Was she just a horrible person? A thousands scenarios pop into my head one after the other. I feel like I can't breathe, I take a deep breath and exhale loudly. Hunter scans my face trying to figure out what is wrong, I gave him a smile so I don't ruin the dinner any further, even though Hunter ruined it with his attitude.

I don't feel like shouting right now and I know that's what will end up happening if I were to ask him questions right now and I don't want to do this in front of his brother. The rest of dinner was silent, just clinking of forks, knives and chewing. Once I wash up. I head to the bathroom to take a shower to try relax.

My mind hasn't stopped with all the things that could have happened in London but I played it off well enough to make sure they didn't suspect a thing. Well, I hope I did. I walk into the room with a towel around my body and Hunter is sitting on the bed with his phone.

Who's he messaging, Jen probably my subconscious says.

I want to kill her I shouldn't be jealous I don't know anything about her and it's probably nothing. I change into shorts and a vest black top before crawling into bed and turning the nightstand lamp off. I turn my back to Hunter and try sleep.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?", he huffs.

"What?", I turn my head looking at him.

"You've had a face on all night, what is wrong? have I done something to you? You should be the one apologising to me for fuck sake", His face dead serious. I haven't done anything wrong, I didn't know his brother didn't know.

"Don't speak to me like that", my voice quiet. I'm not going to feel guilty about telling his brother, he deserves to know...just like Hunter deserves to know.

"I can't be done with this mood, Brin", he turns away from me too. He can't be fucking serious, Fucking asshole.

"Fuck off, Hunter", I turn away from him and close my eyes. He's just being a dick and taking his anger out on me.

"You fuck off", he raises his voice.

"Will you grow the fuck up and let me fucking sleep!", I raise my voice back.

"You're the fucking childish one", he bellows.

I ignored him and close my eyes once again. I can't be done with this childish shit. I'm tired, I just want to sleep. "What so you're ignoring me now?", he scoffs after a few moments of silence.

"Yes", I bluntly say.

"I'm sick of your moods"

"My fucking moods! You're the one with the fucking moods. You know what!", I stand up and storm into the bathroom.

"What!?", He shouts.

I walk out with the toothbrush holder filled with water. I storm back towards him and splashed the water in his face hoping it will knock sense into him. I throw the holder to hit him but It misses, it bounces on the bed onto the floor.

"Fuck You!", I scream. This is the angriest I've ever been with someone, it must be my period starting soon. I'm acting crazy, I know I am but I'm just tired. I'm so drained from everything.

"What the fuck, Brin!", He shouts standing to his feet, pulling his damp hair off his forehead. He looks beyond angry with me.

"I'm sick of you!", I scream.

"Yeah? well fuck off then!", he spits pointing to the door, I look him dead in the eye. It's like we were in some sort of staring contest.

"Fine", I shrug and walk to the closet, pulling out clothes to wear while Hunter watches.

"Where are you going?!", He barks.

"I'm fucking off", I calmly say but breathing heavy, he pinches the bridge of his nose before stalking towards me.

He wraps his arms round my waist pulling my back to his front, "I'm sorry", he sighs.

"Should be", I hiss. He kisses my neck leaving a trail of wet kisses on my collarbone, I'm not in the mood for this right now, I'm still fuming.

"I am. Please don't leave" he continues to kiss my neck, "I love you", he smiles into my collarbone. Damn him. He's definitely got bipolar.

"I love you", I sigh. He takes my hand leading me to the bed. He lays me down and jumps behind me to cuddle me from behind.

"I need to know about Jen", I whisper.

"Not right now baby", he whispers back giving me a light kiss on the back of my neck. I will make him tell me tomorrow but right now I'm tired and his warmth is comforting, It's sending me to sleep quicker. I close my eyes letting sleep take over my body


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