Chapter 15

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Hunter takes my hand, leading me to the bed, he sits me down then sits down beside me, "Okay..", he runs his hand through his hair pushing it off his forehead and begins telling me what happened.

HUNTER'S POV(one month ago)

I hear my father shouting to himself from downstairs, assuming he's drunk again because his voice is slurred. My phone begins to ring and I pick it up off the bed looking to see who it is, Darnell. I met Darnell about two weeks ago and he introduced me to his friends they're all a bit sketchy but nothing I wasn't use too back at home.

"Come meet us, we're gonna have a few drinks at brandy's", he boosts.

"I don't know, man", I shake my head.

"Come on don't be a pussy, you can get away from your drunken ass dad", I told Darnell about my dad but nothing to extreme just that he's an alcoholic prick. I really want to tell Brin but I don't want her thinking any less of me than she already does, I'm surprised she even lets me touch her, knowing my past she probably would be disgusted.

"Okay bro, I'll see you in ten", I reply. I walk over to the bottom of my bed pulling on my all black huaraches and grab my car keys on my nightstand. It's still strange driving in America and one thing I don't miss is the damn roundabouts. When I get to the bottom of the stairs I hear my dad enter the lobby, I try heading for the door as quickly as I can when I hear.

"Where you going son", he emphasised on the word son, I hate the way he says it like it's a punishment to him. I don't answer and reach for the handle on the front door.

"It should have been you... not her!", he slurs walking towards me with a wobble, he's completely pissed. I quickly run out the door avoiding him, I just want one night without his insults. I'm sick of hearing that it was my fault and it should have been me because I already know this.

When I get to Brandy's I look around then spot Darnell. I walk up and give him a bro hug. We sit  down at the bar to order drinks. Sammy emerges from the bathrooms and I gave him a bro hug when he reached the bar. After a few beers, it just isn't doing anything for me. I need to clear my head, I've got so much shit going on at home and school I just needed to chill and drinking probably isn't such a good idea but weed will probably work like it use too.

"You got a joint?", I ask Sammy.

"Yeah, I've got a few bags at home if you want a sack?", He asks.

"Yeah definitely, You wanna go outside and smoke a joint?", I question.

"Yeah bro", he stands up and I follow.

"Go with the hard shit, guys", Darnell pulls out a small bag filled with white powder, Sammy and I look back at Darnell shaking our heads. That shit is something I won't touch.

"Hey!", Someone grabs Sammy's shoulder spinning him around, "You owe me money Sammy!", he raises his voice while four guys stand behind him, giving us deadly daggers.

"I don't owe you shit, I paid", he scoffs.

The man immediately swings for Sammy knocking him to the floor. Darnell jumps up and starts fighting with the other guys behind, "You slept with my sister", the man screams in Sammy's face as he holds his collar. I tackle the guy that was on Sammy and he rolls on top of me, his fists hitting my face. I black out with rage not knowing what was coming. I feel a sharp pain in my stomach bringing me from my trance. I realise I'm now on top and his face is covered in blood and has begun to swell. I look down as he holds a knife into my stomach. He takes it out slowly looking half dead he becomes limp, I get pulled off him by one of his friends. His friend holds him up on his feet. I hear Darnell shouting, "cops!", everyone scatters out of the bar that is involved. Darnell and Sammy leave me laying on the floor but the pain hasn't kicked in yet as adrenaline runs through my body. I stumble to my feet holding my wound and drag myself out the door and down the street. I hear sirens and guns shots going off. I come across an ally and walk down it as far as I can but after a few seconds the pain finally kicks in, I slide down the wall pushing on my wound more to stop the bleeding.

My mind goes straight to Brinley, I'm going to die out here alone and she won't know. I need her to be with me, I need to tell her how I feel because if I don't I'll regret it. I act like a dick and push people away when I like them. I can't do it anymore, this is a wake up call.


Hunter takes my hand into his and kisses my knuckles as If it's a relief to tell me. "I'm really sorry that happened to you", I say in a sad tone. I can't believe his friends left him.

"I'm okay now I promise, I want to take you out on a date", he says looking deep into my eyes with a slanted smile.

"Okay", I smile back at him, I really wanted to ask about his dad and what he meant by it was his fault but I won't push him, he'll tell me in his own time. I like that he's opening up to me and he will open up more, I know it.


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