Chapter 27

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"Hey", I say to Andie walking up beside her.

"Hi", she replies not making eye contact.

"You okay?", I ask while she unlocks her locker.

"Yeah I just feel like I never see you anymore", she pouts.

"I know. How about you, me and Wyatt all do something this weekend?", I suggest.

"Like what?"

"Like...we can go to the movies? Or have a sleepover this weekend?", I enthuse.

"Let's do both", she beams a bright smile

"Okay, it's settled" We walk to class arm in arm as we laugh about stupid things.

The day is going by so fast. Andie and I told Wyatt about the sleepover and movies idea, he loved it. Hunter scoffs at us getting excited but I ignore it, I can't spend everyday with him as much as I want to but I can't. I also haven't told him about Sofia so, I want to distance myself a little to pick up the courage to tell him. I can't believe Sofia is keeping this from him but yet again so am I.

It's the end off the school day, Thank god. Hunter and I are back at his-our apartment which he won't let me contribute too. He's being awfully quiet which is strange, I go to the bathroom before coming back to sit beside him on the couch.

"Put friends on", I whine.

He loads up Netflix and continues on the season we were on. He is still silent twenty minutes later, I try talking to him but he's being blunt and now it's getting on my nerves. "What is wrong?", I huff.

"What?", He looks my way.

"You're being blunt and quiet"

"I'm not", he replies.

"Yea...okay", I roll my eyes.

"My dad tried contacting me", he says with no emotion behind his words.

"What?", I heard what he said but I didn't think his father would try contact him, It's weird.

"He wants to see me. I said no though", he shrugs. I know he's trying to hide his emotion.

"Why?", I question.

"Why would I want to?", He snaps.

"No, why does he want to see you", I scowl. He is not snapping at me for absolutely no reason I'm just asking.

"I don't know. I didn't ask", he's getting irritated I can see it in his face I only asked a simple question.

"Well, don't you want to know?"


"I'm only asking", I sternly say.

"Well, you've always got to ask so many questions", he snaps. Why is he being an asshole?

"Don't get snappy", I raise my voice.

"I'm not, calm down for fuck sake", he stands up and walks towards the kitchen

"Right", I stand up to my feet and walk into the bedroom slamming the door.


I don't want to tell her my brother is coming to America, I don't even want her to know I had a brother. My brother isn't a dick or anything, I'm really close with him well I was. I just don't want her knowing my fucked up family. My brother is also gonna be annoyed that I'm becoming a father, he'll say I'm stupid which is true. He is twenty four and living it up in Australia with his fancy job and annoying girlfriend, thank god she ain't coming.

I can't even remember her name that's how much I like her. I know he'll blab about me, all types of shit I don't want Brin to know. I hope he doesn't tell her I might move back home to get away from my father and I might be taking Sofia and the baby, she won't be happy about it. I know she won't move, she wouldn't leave her father. He's the only family she's got except me of course.

I take a drink of water with my thoughts running wild, what exactly am I going to tell her? I don't want to tell her I have a brother. I can just keep the story as my father and me continuing not care. Somehow I know it's going to be hard to keep up with all the questions she asks. I walk over to the bedroom door and knock twice.

"What?", She shouts, I laugh to myself because she's angry for me snapping a little but I'll contain myself. I open to the door and she laying on the bed.

"I'm sorry, baby", I say meaning it.

"I-", I see the sad look on her face, I can't lie. She wouldn't lie to me, I know she wouldn't. "I have a brother and he's coming to America to see my father and I", I admit.

"You have a brother, why didn't you tell me? Where was he when all these things were happening to you?", She rambles on like usual.

"I don't want you knowing my fucked up family and he was there, he moved as soon as he turned eighteen", I admit.

"To get away from your father?", she stammers.

"Yes, when my mother died he came back for her funeral and then went away again", I tell her. I see her eyes soften as I confess. "I was going to tell you some lie but I couldn't lie to you", I say, her eyes divert away from my gaze.

"Are you close with you brother?", she ignores.

"Yea...sort of, when we were growing up but now I hardly hear from him. He's busy with his business in Australia and stupid girlfriend", I sigh. She bugs the living life out of me, always has.

"What does he do?", She asks.

"He's really into books and shit, so he started Hayes Publishing in Australia, he's expanding soon so he's coming here to see my father and I but doubt he'll stick around my father for long and he will also be looking at some places for his business"

"That's amazing, what's your brothers name?", She asks. She's so interested about my life, I don't know why she isn't fed up with me yet.

"Braxton, people call him Brax though. He hates his name so don't bring it up around him", I laugh nervously. I use to tease him all the time but he informed me that my name isn't all that great either.

"Braxton, that's unusual", she says.

"Yea.. I guess", I scratch the back of my neck, I basically lied to her saying I don't want to lie even though she deserves to know much more. She deserves to know everything but I don't want her to think differently of me.


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