Chapter 21

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Andie has been in the bathroom for five minutes, when she got here she cried in my arms for awhile, she told me they broke up because Bryce was cheating on her and I couldn't believe it. When I saw them together they were like the perfect couple. But hearing that she got cheated on, makes me think about Hunter and how he "Cheated on me" with Sofia. I still need to throw it back in my mind until I find out from him. I also need to focus on my best friend since she's having a hard time and I need to be there for her.

Andie walks out the bathroom with the test in her hand and places it downwards on my bedside table, she sits down on the bed beside me. "We have to wait a few minutes", she says nervously looking down at her hands. I know she tried coaxing herself for five minutes to actually pee on the stick.

"Okay", I breathe. After a few minutes of silence, Andie looks towards me, "you look because I can't", she sighs. I pick up the test waking towards her and flip it over.

"It's negative", I beam.

"Really!?", She smiles.

"Yeah", I smile back.

"Oh my god!", she bounces up off the bed and gives me a huge hug. I'm so happy for her. I should tell her about Hunter and everything that has happened but now isn't the time and it's about her right now.

"Alex is having a party tonight, do you want to go?", She asks and her mood has changed drastically.

"It's a school night", I laugh.

"We should go", she boots.

"No way, I don't even like Alex"

"You probably won't see him, it's a big party and I need a distraction pleaseeee", She begs.

"Ugh fine", I give in. I know she wants to take her mind of Bryce.

We start getting ready, I wear a pink and black sleeveless dress, it ends halfway down my thighs. I let my hair natural curly with minimal makeup. Andie wears a tight baby blue dress that ends halfway down her thighs with black boots.

 Andie wears a tight baby blue dress that ends halfway down her thighs with black boots

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When we arrived at the party it's crammed with people. People dancing, drunk or blacked out. We did arrived a bit late that's why everyone is ahead of us on the drinking, I don't think I want to get drunk though because I have school and I don't want to be dying tomorrow.

We walk into the kitchen and my eyes immediately go to a man with broad shoulders, his arm wrapped around Sofia's neck. He's placing small kisses on her neck and when he looks up towards me I realise who it's Hunter, MY Hunter. Why is MY Hunter kissing her. She's suppose to be Alex's girlfriend, I don't get it. Did he use me to get one thing? We've barely been a couple for two days. Why? why me?! It happened with Alex and now it's happening with Hunter.

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