Chapter 33

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It's been a week since Brinley left. It's been the worst week of my life not that I can remember much of it but I've definitely had better days which were with her. I've been in a constant loop, wake up, take a swig of alcohol along with one of them pills Darnell gave me then pass out. They help, I'm constantly high and I'm living for not remembering.

I go to school high on these pills, I go to work high on these pills, I wake up every morning with a new bruise from god knows what. I'm bindingly numb every second of everyday. I know it's not good but it helps me forgot about her. I bought some more weed and pills two days ago because I've been consuming them fast, Darnell told me to chill out and take it slow but fuck him.

My brother has tried calling a few times but I don't want to tell him I lost the only good thing in my life. I've also seen Sofia at school and I avoid her every time she tries talking to me. I tried calling Brin the second day without her but it went straight to voicemail. I miss her but she's better without me so I need to keep telling myself that, I'm not better without her though.

I make my way to the kitchen and taking out my freshly new bottle of whiskey and I take a pill out the small bag placing it on my tongue. It feels like I've hardly slept but come to think of it, I've probably slept an hour a night. I probably look like death but I don't care.

I'm at school unaware how I got here and I'm truly fucked. I take a seat at the desk and stare into space letting the teacher talk absolute shit for about an hour. While walking to my next class someone grabs my arm.

"What?", I rudely say. For some reason I think It's Sofia but it isn't.

"Hunter? Are you okay?", Andie asks.

"Good, why?", I smile only because I'm high off my nut.

"You don't look good, have you heard from Brin she isn't taking my calls. I've been trying to talk to you all week but you haven't spoke to me"

"You've tried speaking to me?", I question, I can't remember a thing.

"Yeah, you've just been staring into space. Are you sure you're okay? I also haven't heard from Brinley which is weird", she sadly speaks, It's like she's studying my face as she tilts her head.

"Sorry Andie, I haven't got a fucking clue where she is", I turn to walk away. I don't want to talk about her, especially not with her best friend.

"Well, why aren't you worried? Should I ask her dad?", She asks raising her voice and following me down the corridor.

"She's getting away from me that's why I'm not worried", I admit.

"Why she ignoring me then?", It is strange that she's ignoring Andie or that she hasn't told Andie a thing, isn't best friends suppose to talk about these things?

"I don't fucking know. I'm not with her so why would I know", I'm starting to get a headache from this conversation. I need more alcohol.

"You don't care?"

"No, I don't give a fuck", why am I lying? Everything that comes out my mouth is now a lie. I suddenly feel Andie's hand connect with my cheek.

"Fuck You! You're a twat. You don't deserve anyone. I can tell you're on drugs now and I'm glad Brinley is away from you, you may not care about her but I do!", she turns her heel and storms away from me.

This bitch just slapped me. I feel my cheek burning. What she said was true though. Fuck it, I'm going home. I'm sick of these people here.

When I arrive at home I throw my keys in the bowl and sit on the couch rolling a joint. This is probably my life from now on. A constant high for a lonely piece of shit. I hope Brin is doing better without me, I hope she isn't suffering like me. I take a swig of whiskey and put my feet up on the coffee table, I smoke and watch some boring tv show.

"Brinley?" , I touch her shoulder.

"Yes?", She turns smiling.

"What are you doing here?", I smile feeling warmth circle around me, did she come back to me?

"I'm here with my fiancé" ,she beams.


"What? You're engaged?", I stutter.

"Yes", she replies with the widest smile.

No. No. No. she can't be engaged!

"You're mine though"

"I'm not yours. I never will be. You're no good for me. I'm too good for you, You're just a junkie feeling sorry for yourself, You don't deserve to be here or with me. You're just like your father. A disappointing alcoholic well.. look at you, you're worse than him. No one will ever love you. Not even your own father. You killed your mother and if I was still with you, you would have killed me too" , she says with a smile and a head tilt.

What? No. My Brin wouldn't say those things, she wouldn't. I'm nothing like my father!

"I'm nothing like him", I mumble still in shock.

"No, you're worse"

"What? No!" , I shout.

"Yes! I will never love you Hunter just like your family doesn't!"

"No, you did.. you.. do", please wake up.

Please wake up. I can't hear this. It's too much it's all too much. Please I can't take this.

"WAKE UP!" , Brinley shouts in my face causing me to fall back.

I jolt up, pouring of sweat and heavy breathing on the couch, I'm horrified. I have no idea when I passed out. What just happened? Now I'm dreaming about her...I am slowly losing my mind. I can't take this anymore, it's been a fucking week, only a week and I'm losing it without her. What the fuck am I going to do.


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