Chapter 34

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It's been seven days since I moved out of Hunter's, I told him I was going away for a while but I didn't, I'm currently in my room at my dad's house and have been the whole week.

I know if I didn't tell Hunter I was going away he might show up here just to tell me he hates me and I couldn't live through that again. I told my dad what happened, well not exactly what happened but I told him that Hunter and I had an argument. I didn't tell him what about but I didn't want to lie to him, he understood and didn't push the questions, I'm very grateful for that. For some reasons I still want him to like Hunter, I just don't want people hating him for my mistake...I guess.

I haven't been at school for a week and it's by far the worst week of my life. I've spent the whole seven days crying, none stop eating and sleeping. That much crying has caused me to throw up a few times and I actually think I've put on weight this week but I don't care. I'm past caring about what I look like. Hunter tried calling me but I ignored, he was probably drunk and wanted to tell me how much he hated me.

Andie has been none stop trying to calling and texting but I can't talk to her, I've kind of secluded myself from anything social. I'm just not in the mood to talk to anyone. Breaking up with someone you truly love is unbearable, I feel so alone, I feel so unwanted, unloved but I know I'm not.

My father said I needed to go to school next week but I don't feel up for it, I know I have to go though or I'll be kicked out, fall back and not graduate. I just don't want to face Hunter at school or anywhere for that matter.

I'm laying here staring at my ceiling fan go around and around pathetically, Hunter is on my mind constantly...pathetic I know. He's probably moved on by now, me leaving probably hasn't fazed him one bit and I know this because he didn't love me like I love him. I wish he did and I wish I told him when I found out about Sofia. I miss him so terribly much, I miss the way my body would ignite at his touch. I miss his little smirk, I miss when he would push his hair off his forehead to keep it out of his face even though he could just get it cut. I miss when he would call me Brin or Baby. I miss the comfort he made me feel, I miss everything about him.

I need to stop this madness, I'm laying here thinking of a boy that wouldn't give me a second thought. I'm so miserable without him and it's ridiculous.

My father is currently at work and will be for a long time. I need to keep myself busy so I don't think about him. I could read that might help, I'm not much of a reader though so I may get bored. I'll watch a movies that's what I'll do, I won't watch a romance though that would be stupid of me.

I head downstairs and open my dad's DVD cabinet, he loves DVDs. He's DVD mad but so am I. I prefer movies to reading just like him. I scan through the action section. My dad is really OCD with his movies. The movies are put into genre that's how OCD he is about it. Kind of admire it though, it helps a lot.

"Hmm", I purse my lips together very indecisive on what to watch. I run my finger over the movies closing my eyes and stopping randomly. I open my eyes to see which movie my finger landed on, It landed on Taken. I love Taken its such a good movie.

I take the disc out putting it in the DVD player in the living room, It's an old thing that my father just can't let go of. I pad towards the kitchen taking a bag of popcorn out the candy drawer. I pad back to the living room slumping on the couch and press play. I turn the volume up higher as if I can't hear a damn thing but I know damn well I can. I dig into my popcorn like I've never eaten in my life.

Watching this movie has taken my mind off Hunter. I giggle to myself because I made a pun and not realised it. Wow, I'm officially going insane. I decide to watch the second Taken to keep my mind off him. I should've done this all week but I didn't, instead I cried like no tomorrow. I go to the kitchen, open the fridge and take a bottle of Dr Pepper out. I sit back on the couch and get comfortable and taking a sip from the bottle. I lay back and enjoy the movie.

My eyes flutter open and I stare into space before rubbing the sleep out my eyes. When the hell did I fall asleep? The movie is done and now on credits. Great I missed the whole bloody movie. I hear a light knock coming from the front door and I peep through the peephole, it's a lady just standing there. I open the door and wait for her to talk.

"Brinley?", she finally speaks.

"Yes?", I look around. Who is this lady?

"Hi, its me...It's mum", she smiles.


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