Chapter 47

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"You're what!?", I pause before continuing, "You're leaving me?"

"No!", he runs his hands through his hair, I can see in his eyes that he's becoming frustrated.

He's moving back to London and then what? He must be joking I can't believe this...he drops this bombshell on me before school and expects me to act like it isn't a big deal. Why didn't he tell me this before I fell head over heels for him.

"I want you to come with me", He half smiles with hope.

"No I can't, I have my dad here. Why can't you just stay?", I whine as a slide my Nikes on.

"I have nothing here! My dads an abusive alcoholic, why would I want to stay here?", he raises his voice and snatches his car keys out the bowl.

"I'm here! That's why", I stare into his grey-green orbs. He saddens his face looking down at his feet.

"That's not enough Brin, you have family here...I don't", he glances at me.

"What?", I feel the lump in my throat to form, my mother said the same thing.

"I'm suppose to drop and stay here for you but you won't even consider coming with me?"

"I have my father here Hunter I can't leave him. He's the only family I've got", I sigh feeling my eyes beginning to water, he looks away and reaches for the handle, I pull his arm back.

"What do you have in England?", I soften.

"My mothers grave", he says and walks out the door, I follow unsure what to say.

"Hunter", I pause trying to catch up with his long strides. I don't understand, I understand that's where his mother's grave is but doesn't he want to go to college with me.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore", He scoffs before I could say anything further.

"Are you fucking kidding me! You drop this on me and except me to be fine with it and you want to go with you!", I yell in the middle of the parking lot.

"Well I thought you fucking love me", He storms back towards me running his hands through his hair.

"I do! But I can't leave my father!", I shout.

"Yeah, you said that already!"

"I'm not dropping this, Hunter!"

"Well, you're gonna fucking have to. I will be going back to London no matter what!", he slams his fist onto the hood of his car, I flinch at the sound. "Or Australia", he mumbles under his breath.

"So, you're really leaving? You're leaving me?", I sadden.

"No, Just come with me", he pleas.

"I can't do that, please consider staying here"

"I can't stay here. I don't belong here, this isn't my home"

I really want to resolve this but I don't want to cry, I'm fed up of crying. I'm either crying or angry and I'm fed up of all of it. "Lets go", I get into the car pulling the seat belt over me with a huff. He climbs into the driver seat and starts the car before clipping his seat belt in.

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