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Part two

Bodies of different people kept on rubbing my sides as I brushed past them. I could here wolf whistles as some boys noticed me yet I paid them no notice.

I am in no hurry to find my lover, after all I have all eternity for that. Suddenly a hand came and grabbed my shoulder.

I turned my head to the direction of the hand and saw that it was connected to one of the boys who whistled earlier.

He had ebony hair and deep cobalt blue eyes. He had the same smirk on his face as Laito, which only meant one thing. He's also a pervert.

"Hey baby, wanna go somewhere else and have some fun," he said while he winked. Before I could reply, someone beat me to it.

"Unfortunately for you, she's with me." I looked and saw Adrien there. His posture was laid back but I could see the sparks of raw anger in his eyes.

The guy still didn't take his hand off my shoulder. His face still had that overconfident smirk. "If she is your girl, prove it."

Adrien's eyes narrowed dangerously then he smirked. "Okay," was all he said. Then in the blink of an eye, his lips covered mine.

After a second or two he moved away from me. The guy looked at me then him. "Seems like doll face didn't enjoy the kiss," said the guy in a cocky voice. I honestly did not feel angry but I knew that in this situation, I would have to act as though I am.

"Listen here douche bag, your input is not needed here. Now leave me and my boyfriend alone!" I hissed out. The guy from earlier frowned then walked away.

I recovered from my moment of shock then I punched Adrien in the gut. "How dare you attempt to do that in public," I growled. He smiled.

"It was either that or have him do something bad to you," he stated. I rolled my eyes. "Adrien, you know what I am. I would have handled that boy easily."

Adrien still didn't look convinced. I sighed. "Fine, you saved me. Now let's go and have fun," I said as I grabbed his wrist. I ended up dragging him to an insanely crazy rollercoaster.

"Come on Adrien, let's go on it," I said while my eyes twinkled with stars in them. Adrien laughed then smiled. "Okay."

Once we got into the rollercoaster I secured the metal bar then relaxed. Adrien looked excited whilst my face was stoic. Eleven minutes later the cart began moving.

Adrien and I screamed in joy as the cart sped on. This continued for ten minutes then we were back where we started.

"That was..." trailed Adrien, leaving me to finish his sentence.

"Awesome!" I shouted while my smile practically radiated joy. Then we got out of the cart. For the rest of the day, we tried different rides.

Hours later I finally checked the time on my phone. 4:23 pm. Adrien so happened to see over my shoulder when I checked the time.

He smirked at me. "Come on Evelyn, let's get cotton candy before we go back," he said while he dragged me to a nearby stand.

We waited in line for a bit then we finally reached the front of the line. Despite my disapproval Adrien paid for our cotton candy.

I checked the time again and saw that we had seventeen minutes to get back to our meeting point. "We are going to be so late," I groaned as I buried my head in my hands. Adrien chuckled.

He took one of my hands from my face then he dragged me to a secluded area. Afterwards he teleported us to another secluded area extremely close to the meeting point.

I jumped up and hugged him. "Thanks Adrien!" I squealed. "You're welcome Pur-rincess," he cooed. We then walked to the area and sat on one of the benches there.

By five o'clock, I almost everyone was there, except for Subaru and Layla. After a few minutes of waiting, we finally saw them coming.

Both had huge blushes on their faces and we're incredibly flustered. My eyebrow rose sardonically at Subaru yet he scoffed and frowned.

Typical. Milan and Kira noticed how close Adrien was to me and they smirked at me though I scowled at them.

"Come on you dipshïts, we are off to our last stop for the day," said Kira as she walked off to the limousine. We all followed.

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