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Seated in an armchair with a chess board in front of him was none other than Kaname Kuran. On the table was a glass with a blood like liquid.

"Evening Mr Dorm President," I said as I executed a perfect 90 degree angle bow. "Evening Miss Sakamaki. Now there's no need to stand there. You can come and sit down." Against my better judgement I went and did so.

"Why have you called me here Mr Dorm President?" I asked in a soft voice, so as to seem intimidated by him. "Let's put away that facade. I know that it's you, Yang." The name caused me to shudder on the inside.

"Excuse me, Mr Kuran, but I am not yang. Though I did meet a girl by that name." He stiffened when I said that but I continued. "She was injured and the look in her eyes was so broken for a child her age. My father helped her though."

"She was injured and the look in her eyes was so broken for a child her age. My father helped her though." Hearing her say that really hurt me. Is that how you felt when you rang away from us.

Yang has changed so much since I last saw her. Her hair is shorter and whiter, and her eyes are brighter. She's definitely taller and grown into a beautiful young lady. A lady whom I want to be married to. I only wish that a marriage between us two wouldn't be so hard to obtain.

"Look, I understand if you don't want to tell me who you are Yang. We all hurt you terribly but just know that I am willing to try anything to show how sorry I am. No matter how. Long. It. Takes."

Part of me was shocked because Kaname has never been like this before. If he wanted something then he would normally take by force. "I'll keep that in mind," I mumbled lowly. Then I stood up.

"Is there anything else?" I asked. He shook his head and then I walked toward the door. Just as I was about to exit Kaname whispered something else.

"Though I am a very impatient person so I suggest that you accept me faster."

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