Chapter Fourteen.

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I must have gone cold because I could feel warm hands placed on my arms moving up and down "Hay Skylar snap out of it I'm here" was I imagining her voice "Skylar I'm here it's Lilly" she pushed my hair behind my ear but I couldn't see her all I could see were white spots everything was blurry, my eyes were adjusting to what was In front of me "Lilly" I asked with a quite raspy voice "Yeah it's Lilly come back to me honey" Honey she said honey I'm her baby she Is my mother "breathe" I was breathing rapidly she tightened her grip on my arm "No slower same time as me" I was going too fast again "No look at me ... Look at me! Slowly same pace as me" "Shouldn't we call the ambulance? She looks like she's having an panic attack" "I can handle it!" she said through her teeth as she slightly turned her head, she looked back at me. I looked into her eyes she seemed concerned and sad I did as she said she rubbed her finger around my chest and she smiled making me smile my breathing was back to normal "I thought you left me" I said staring at my worn out vans trying to catch my breath she was kneeling on both knees and placed her hand on my cheeks I looked up she had a smile "I would never leave you".

Unsure as that sounded it would do for now "Are you sure? I mean your only a child yourself" Lilly rolled her eyes and looked at the lady "We'll have this dress and the one in black and if you could be so kind to scan the other two sitting at the counter" before she could open her mouth Lilly turned to me "I'll be paying with cash" with that the woman left & Lilly smiled "let's get you out of this dress and get you something to eat yeah" I nodded she wiped the tears that had seem to have fallen. Lilly paid for the dresses and before the bag was handed to her the woman held it back "That girl loves you know" pointing her finger at me but her eyes never facing my face "Don't screw her over" Lilly looked at me and I gave her my best smile it was true I love Lilly with all my heart, her face seemed sad and not keen the woman held the bag out to Lilly she snatched it and grabbed the other stuff and stormed out I quickly followed in pursuit.

We did abit more shopping my checks were sore from laughing as we sat at the food court eating pizza with large drinks "Lilly how are we supposed to carry all this?" we laughed as we looked at the amount of bags that were sitting on the table & on the chairs beside us "Were are we going to hide all this?" Lilly paused as she bit into her pizza "I have a secret place I can stash it don't worry" she continued to chew on her pizza "Lilly" "Hmmm" she was really hungry "Were did you get that money?" she stooped and dropped her pizza wiping her hands I slowly slurped on my drink looking at my pizza I didn't want to make her angry I just wanted to know where she really got that money from. "Can you keep a secret ?" she said sipping her drink and placing it on the table I nodded "Yes Lilly you can trust me, I can keep a secret" she placed both of her arms and crossed it and leaned forward "I stole it" she leaned back on her chair with a smile "From who?" She sat up and huffed "well from Franco of course... You see ..." She leaned in once again and I leaned in to listen as people were currently walking past staring at us. "Franco has lots of accounts were large sum of money is placed into those accounts so I being Lilly thought that I should invest some of that money into me" she grinned and started eating "Won't he notice?" My voice sounded worried "Nah large amount of money is placed in those accounts all the time his mother has the account details I don't think she even reads the bank statements " I was still worried she leaned forward and pulled my hair behind my ears and smiled "Eat up I promise you nothing is going to happen to me" her smile was so sincere and she was such a beautiful girl with beautiful sets of teeth, her freckles were just so adorbs. Just as I was about to tuck in on my second round of pizza an unsettling feeling came over me "Lilly" "Yeah" she answered with her mouth full "How long have we been here ?" she didn't recall in what I was asking until she realised and her eyes widened "Oh shit! Grab everything and leg it" I grabbed all I could and Lilly got the rest we started running when Lilly went back and took a bite out of her pizza and took a large draw back on her drink "Lilly" I laughed and we ran pushing and dodging people we laughed as we finally made it to the parking lot. The place was packed with cars and people walking or getting out their cars "Now we're did he fucking park?"

I wasn't much help as I was short so Lilly had to do the searching "There!" She pointed and grabbed the stuff and legged it, running towards the car Carlos face turned from worried to anger "Were the fuck have yours been!" we placed our shopping on the ground "Pop the trunk will you" Lilly said in a calm voice checking our shopping bags Carlos grabbed Lilly's arm "I fucking asked you a question bitch" Lilly gave him no satisfaction and didn't flinched just smiled "Carlos were at a mall and in result Skylar and I went shopping I'm sure the shopping bags can prove otherwise" she smiled and pushed past Carlos "Be a gentleman will you" she gave him the smirk he hated the most and got into the car I looked at him and followed in pursuit, we sat there while Carlos chucked our shopping in the boot he was literally chucking our stuff he angrily slammed the boot door Lilly watched him as he went past her door and opened the door to the driver seat he slammed the door shut and buckled himself in he put the keys in ignition but the engine didn't start he seemed annoyed "Carlos you better get this car moving before Franco finds out were out here" "Listen to me bitch whatever you have on me I'm going to deny it In front of Franco, you hear!" he said angrily referring to Lilly who was sitting on her right leg and her left leg was out she folded her arm and spoke but was looking out the window without a care in the world "Well Carlos play your cards right and Franco wouldn't need to know about Anything especially about Sienna".

Oh Lilly ....

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