Chapter Nineteen.

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I could see what Buster was after his ball but what was underneath murdered me inside, there rested naked bodies of girls slowly rotting away under dirt and thousand & millions of maggots, flies and insects the vial sent was slowly attract more insects and making my eyes water I cough hard and wrap my coat sleeve around my mouth . I wanted to puke, scream and yell at the same time Buster barked beside me and again "Alright alright you want your stupid ball I get it!" Pull yourself together Sky you can do this just get the ball and you're out . I slowly crouch down breathing in so I couldn't inhale the decomposing steath, I slowly stretch and use the tip of my fingers to sway the ball into my palm the ball is just a fingertip away I move myself up a little bit more .... Just a little bit more just a lit... Before I knew it I was swept off my balance and shoved into the pit. I screamed as I tossed and turned in the pit of dead bodies and vile insects tears were steaming out and my screams were becoming louder and more heart wrenching. I looked up and saw Lilly with both hands on her hips she wore her famous smug smile. "LILLY!" "LILLY HELP ME DONT JUST STAND THERE! SAVE ME!"

I cried out and even reached out my hand for her to grab onto but she just changed her standing position and watched me, Buster was barking violently towards the pit Lilly patted his head and shushed him calmly and he stopped, whimpered & cooed sadly. I felt as if I was being swallowed up the dirt , finger nails & hair was going in my mouth insects made there way to my face, ear, the back of my coat, hair "LILLY ! LILLY HELP ME PLEASE LILLY LILLY!". I felt something grab the back of my jacket and lift me I started to yell and struggle but they were much stronger. "Lilly are you fucking crazy!!" I looked up and it was Carlos he got me out and placed me on the ground all I could do was stay silent and press my knees against my chest and cry. "You could fucking hear her screams from miles away!" He slowly looked at me then into the whole then at me then at Lilly "Did you push her in?" He asked pointing at the whole with a questionable look. Lilly grins a big fat grin and shrugs her shoulders "You're fucking EVIL Lilly-Ann May! Pure fucking evil" he was fuming "Maybe I' am" she shrugs her shoulders smiles looks at me then Carlos, she whistles "Come on boy ...come on Buster lets get back to hell"

they disappear through the forest.

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