☆Why Don't People Say Skeet Skeet?☆

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The only noise I could hear was my beating heart as I lay in my bed, feeling rather alone as usual, wondering about the future and what it may hold. I never usually can get to sleep, especially when I'm trapped in this sterile scented hell. I sigh and roll over, my back now facing the open window. I close my eyes and try to escape to the dark release of sleep, and felt myself finally begin to get drowsy, slowly feeling myself slip away into some much needed sleep.

I usually awaken on my own terms, but this morning I've been greeted by a nurse with her black hair tied into a bun and her lips coated in red lipstick. She holds a blue clipboard and a pen while awkwardly standing at the foot of my bed.

"I think it's about time that you'd gotten out of bed today Gerard."

"Really now? And why should I listen to you?"

The nurse furrows her brow and mutters something under her breath while scratching something down onto her clipboard.

"C'mon, I'm not a test subject. Stop taking notes on me."

"Well... it is my job to make sure that you comply."

"I thought your job was to 'help the mentally ill'."

She sighs and admits defeat, shutting her eyes and trying not to get angry.

"I don't want a fight, I'm new here and my name is Lindsey."

"That's nice. If you didn't want a fight then I would've picked someone else other than myself."

I sigh at her, grinning as I sit up in bed. She stammers and tries to think of something to say.

"Hey, I'm literally just messing with you. Sorry I'm a being a dick."

"Are.. are you serious this time or will I get shanked by a sharpened toothbrush or something if I get any closer?"

"Believe me, if I was going to shank you I would've already."

Lindsey breathes a sigh of relief and smiles. She hands me some pills, which I take before getting out of bed. "I'll leave you to it."

She then turns and closes the door, leaving me to get ready for today.

I never usually plan to leave this room and socialize, because I prefer my own company to that of others.

Sometimes it does get quite lonely though and talking to yourself can only keep your mind alive for so long anyways.

Still, this is my existence, in this room completely alone until I'm either old or released from here.


I decide to eat my breakfast, alone in the corner of the cafeteria. There's no point in talking to people because most of them here are brain dead anyways.

I feel a pair of eyes watching me from a table about 15 meters away. Talk about a warm welcome, I'm already being stalked.

The watchful gaze apparently belongs to some random with a scruffy faux hawk and a black hoodie sitting in a crowd of girls. When he caught me looking back, he pretended as though he wasn't looking at me.

He's probably thinking about how I'm either new or just an embarrassment to society.

Either way, he avoided my glance at all costs.

One of the girls the dude is sitting with, a tall blonde one, says something to him which makes him smile. I wasnt going to think much of this random stranger, but he does have a cute smile.

The ginger girl he's sitting with talks to the blonde one which makes them both look back at me, before turning back to my original stalker.

Well, things just got more interesting 

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