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It's a lazy Sunday's morning, and Frank and I are still in bed together. It's been 4 months since we broke out, the security level went up, and there were warrants for our immediate capture, but we just didn't care, we have tried getting back to Gracie and Loki, but all the new security makes things a whole lot harder. As soon as we entered Monroeville, I thought we were safe, that was sadly, not the case. We all split up to look for a place to stay at, meanwhile Loki and Grace got caught, and Amelia is alone. We still check on all of them too, just to make sure they're actually doing okay.

"What do you wanna do?" Frank says, resting his head on my chest. "Nothing right now, this is nice just lying here." Frank agrees, running his hand through my hair, which I dyed a vibrant red after we escaped. "Did I ever tell you how beautiful you are?" Frank says, his stutter is basically gone now. He then rolls over and moves up to kiss my lips. "You tell me every day you twit." I say with a smile as he pretends to be sad. "That hurt Gee." He says in a whiny voice, pouting and acting like a two year old. "Aww, is poor little Frankie sad?" I coo and he nods, suspecting a kiss or something. "Get over it." I say before walking over to the closet to get dressed. I feel someone looking at me. I knew it was Frank, but I didn't really care. I got dressed anyway, pulling on clothes quickly, so that Frank has less of a chance to see me.

"So," Frank says, looking at the ceiling, to stop himself from still staring at me. "When are we gonna try getting Gracie and Loki again?" I sigh, not knowing how to respond. "I... dont know, everything's gotten tougher up there, it's basically impossible, its like trying to break someone out of prison. As much as I want to, I dont think we can." I say, walking into the kitchen to make some coffee, I know Frank will want one, so I made him one too. "Because I have a plan to get Loki and Gracie out." He says, I take a sip of my coffee and sigh.

"We've tried so many times, what will make this one any different? " I say, looking into the cup in my hands. Frank looks at me, his expression serious. "One of us will need to g-go back in." I sigh, sitting at the table. "Why don't we just blow up a wall or something? That'd we way easier!" Frank sighs, having a sip of coffee before sort of raging at me. "Think logically, Geard! Think about how many people that'd kill! and besides, where can you legally buy dynamite?"

As Frank continues to list the ways in which this plan wouldn't work, I sigh and pretend like I'm not listening. "Still better then some of your plans." I mumble, Frank looks at me sideways. "What was that?" He asks, I make a slight hum of a noise. "Oh, nothing." I say, looking into the coffee cup and running my finger around the rim, avoiding all eye-contact with Frank. "Well, we needed a better plan and I gave one. Why couldn't we blow up Jacquie's office or something." I say, Frank thinks for a minute. "Not a bad idea, we could do it when she wasn't there." I look at him and sigh, smiling. "What would you do without me?" He walks over to me as I put my coffee on the table. "Probably make my own coffee and sit here completely alone." I sigh, raising my eyebrows at him. "That was rhetorical you do realise." He gives me a smile. "I know, I just felt like giving you a smart answer."

"Shush you." I reply, Frank grinning at me. "Now that I think about it," Frank starts, pulling up a chair beside me. "Buying dynamite wouldn't be too hard to do." I smile back at him, winking. "I knew you'd catch on." He lets out a sigh, before sitting on my lap and hugging me. "I think you owe me an apology." I whisper up to him, he looks down at me. "Fine then. I'm sorry. Happy now?" I shake my head. "You gotta give me a kiss before I can accept that." He kisses me, I start smiling. "That's better." I respond, our noses just touching. He laughs and then sighs. "You're an idiot."

"No you."

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