☆tOtEs MaGoTeS bAbY cHiLlI fLaKe☆

10 2 3

Today was the first day that I've felt totally exhausted in quite a while. We'd been training all day and Mikey looked tired even before we started, I'd hate to imagine how he feels right about now.

I'm guessing he didn't get all that much sleep last night after the fire incident.

As soon as we got back, Mikey was in his room, probably sleeping. All of us doing the same, walking into our rooms and hardly saying so much as a 'bye' or 'goodnight' to one another. Frank yawns, falling backwards into the sprawling bed, the sheets seemingly curling up around his tired body. He then moves over slightly for me to get into the bed as well, both of us can't actually be fucked getting changed. "G'night." He grumbles sleepily to me, wrapping his arm around me. "Night." I respond, sighing and shutting my eyes, soon falling asleep.


I wake up in the morning with Frank still asleep, his arms are still wrapped around me. The sun is pretty high above the horizon. I let myself wake up for a minute before gently shaking him awake.

"Frankie." I coo, gently rocking him, I hate waking him up, I really do. "Mmh?" He responds, opening his eyes a fraction. "Gettin' late, we gotta get up." He groans, taking his top arm from off around my waist and stretching it out across the other, empty side of the bed.

Someone knocks on the door, it soon turns out to be Loki, waking us up if we weren't already up. "We're gettin' up." Frank calls out and I hear the heavy footsteps receding across the hardwood floor.

I sit up as Frank rolls over and swings his legs over the edge of the bed, stretching once again. I do the same and stand up, walking towards my bag before quickly changing my shirt and heading toward the door, Frank following close behind.


"Okay Gerard, try make a sword." Loki says, the rest of The Squad gathering around, but still giving me space to move. I flick my arm out as if I'm holding a sword, and soon enough, something appears in the palm of my hand.

But it's not a sword.

It's a lamp.

Like one of those tall wooden ones that your grandparents have that's probably worth a fortune, but they hold onto it because they like the light of it.

Amelia, Grace, Frank and Mikey are cackling in the distance and Loki and I are trying not to laugh. "How the fuck do I get that mixed up?" I exclaim, which sends everyone in to fits of laughter. I drop the lamp and it bounces, the bulb inside doesn't even shatter. "Set it on fire." I say to Amelia, Mikey watches on with a little glint of disappointment in his eyes.

The bouncy lamp is soon engulfed in vibrant green flames, which seems to do nothing to the "wooden" lamp. "I've always wanted an indestructible lamp!" Grace exclaims with a laugh as I pick up the lamp again and hand it to her. "Take it, nobody else wants it." She looks wrapped, holding the lamp by the base like a sword, holding it triumphantly in front of her.

"Bring it on Jacquie, you can't handle me and my Lamp Of Death!"

Loki sighs and shakes his head. "We're off track now, try again." I sigh, becoming serious once again.

Hopefully there are no more lamps appearing in this training session.


After all that, Loki has reached a conclusion. First, is that I can make indestructible lamps, and second is that the swords are make are fucking sharp, not only longswords, but katanas as well. Nobody got hurt, except for an innocent bag of sand that split as soon as the blade of the sword touched it.

All of the swords I create have the same decals as the daggers but the flowers seem to get slightly more detailed with every time I make them. They look like elongated versions of the miniature stabbing knife. The katana is my favourite though, it's got a black hand grip with a golden hilt underneath. The only thing on the blade is a scorpion.

Honestly I feel so powerful and badass knowing I can do this with my bare hands.

Frank can make shields, well, force fields, which are the same lavender colour as when I use my powers to make stuff. He seems to thinks it's down to the fact we're meant to be together, and I'm not arguing with that.

God that sounds cheesy.

Anyways, today is nowhere near as exhausting as yesterday, everyone is still talking and Grace is still wielding the so called "Lamp Of Death". She takes it into Amelia's room and places it right beside her bed, apparently it's for protection against if anyone tries to kill them at night, despite the fact Grace could kick their asses without so much as the lift of a finger, and Amelia could set them on fire with her mind.

Whatever floats your boat I guess.

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