☆May I Have Some Löøps?☆

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Going to bed later that night was odd. 

I didnt want to be thinking of that scruffy little emo boy in the cafeteria, but something about him stuck in my brain. Was it his smile? Or was it the fact that he could be watching me at any moment?

I sigh and roll onto my side so that I'm facing the wall.

Hopefully those guys weren't the "popular" ones here, or else I feel as though I'm going through high school all over again. 

Well anyway, here come my insecurities on their way back to haunt me before I go to bed.


This morning I wake up to a knock at my door. I open it to find my own personal stalker standing there. He's a whole lot shorter than I imagined he would be.

"I th-th-th-thought I should kn-n-n-nock."

This tiny man is slaughtering me with his stutter.

"You're alright." I say as I try not to sound excited.

"I'm h-h-here to t-t-t-take you to J-J-Jacquie."


"Ah, okay then. Who are you anyway?"

If you can't already tell, I'm trying my best to keep up my constantly-aggravated persona.

"My nam-m-me is Fr-fr-frank."

"Poor you, having to do Jacquie's dirty work out here. She never comes out of her office to get you herself."

Frank smiles and looks at the floor.


Frank then takes me down the hall to just outside Jacquie's office. We walked pretty much in silence and I got the vibe that maybe he didn't like me. He then turns to leave and smiles at me.

"See y-y-you around Ger-r-rard."

"Yeah, see you Frank."

Something in my soul feels empty now that Frank has left. Like, we never even talked and we just walked up to the door and then he fucked off!

Well, what was I expecting? A full on conversation about the homosexual undertones of The Picture Of Dorian Gray?! Keep it together Gerard, even though you knew you'd lose your mind at some stage.

Without warning, the hellish office door opens to reveal a dimly lit room and a blonde woman standing in the doorframe with what looks to be a look of disgust on her face.


"Hi there you condescending prick."

She beckons me to walk into her office, which I do. I take a seat on a navy blue plastic chair that feels as though it'll collapse at any second as I watch the head doctor sit on her menacing leather chair.

She peers down at the blue clipboard containing Lindsey's note from before. She obviously didn't change it after our small discussion about how I didn't shank her.

"I heard you were being defiant again."

"And? What are you gonna do about it?"

"I was actually thinking about putting you into solitary confinement, but then again, it would just be a reflection on your pathetic little life."

I'm not going to let her think that she's won, even though that is very true and I'm feeling personally attacked at this statement.

"Imagine getting a degree in psychiatry and then using it to argue with someone 10 years younger than you that you mildly despise."

Jacquie sighs and looks at me with an evil grin. All I'm thinking right now is: 'please shut the fuck up'.

"You do realise that I could kill you and cover it up so flawlessly, it'd look like a mistake?"

"Yes, and I'm honestly not all that worried. Now are we done here? Because I really want to get backto rotting in my room."

"I guess. See you next time then."

Thank fuck that I'm out of there. 

Time to actually get some breakfast and hope that Frank is still in the cafeteria.

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