☆t h e f a c e.☆

7 2 9

Having Mikey back is really really strange, I mean, being in the same room as him without being shot at is a thing that I never thought would happen. We talk occasionally, but Grace and Amelia talk to him the most, they're still cautious of him, we all are, but they've taken on the challenge of talking to him.

He seems nice enough, he really does.

Grace now shares a room with Amelia, giving up her own space to accommodate Mikey. Nobody minds all that much, it's nice to have another member in the party, excuse the DND reference.

The powers really take some getting used to, Frank has occasionally disappeared from beside me at night, and I've almost floated off to wherever the fuck I was headed. Amelia has "accidentally" set a table on fire once or twice, leading me to believe she's a bit of a pyromaniac.

But tonight, the atmosphere seems to have changed once again, like something is going to happen to one of us yet again. I sit there, just thinking for a while before Frank taps me on the shoulder, giving me a hell of a fright, as I had completely zoned out. "You good there?" He asks, I reply with a nod. "Just thinking." He nods back, understandingly. I stretch my arms out in front of me, basically flicking my wrists out, when a small dagger appears in the palm of my hand.

The outline is the first thing to appear, it's a lavender colour, before the steely grey tip of the knife, which is inscribed with a scorpion and various types of flowers, and the golden hilt fill out the profile. It gleams in the light, looking pretty real and fucking sharp.

The only sound I hear beside me is the hushed, awestruck whisper coming from Frank's mouth. All he says is 'wow'.

I think Loki is getting sick of us just showing up with random new powers like 'lOoK aT tHiS', but I think it's better that we annoy him with the fact he knows, instead of him finding out later when it could've been helpful in the past. Am I making sense? Who knows.

I'm holding the dagger with the blade facing to the back of me, I don't really want to stab him as soon as he opens the door. I knock on the door, he opens it and sighs. I show Loki the dagger, he holds it and stares at it, carefully running his finger over the the decorations etched in the blade.

He looks at the scorpion on the blade and then looks over at Frank's neck, where the exact same scorpion is located.

"Where'd you find this?" He asks, a grin on his face. I can tell he wants one like this, despite his extensive collection. "I made it." I say, feeling actually pretty proud, despite the fact I have no clue how I did it. Loki raises his eyebrows, looking over at Frank once again for confirmation. "He did, I s-saw him." I roll my wrist again, hoping it'll happen again, and surely enough it does. Loki looks like he's never seen anything so cool in his life.

Guess now I'm like a dagger vending machine.

Mikey just happened to be walking past, and saw a lavender glow appear from my hands, so naturally, he comes over to see what all three of us are so interested in. "Woah!" He exclaims, almost making me drop the dagger directly onto my foot. "Hey Mikey." I say casually, he can't stop staring at the knife in my hand. "Can I hold it?" He asks, I hand it over very very wearily.

At least if I get stabbed, they can't find a murder weapon.

He is grinning as much as Loki was, looking over every inch of the glistening, stainless blade before gently handing it back to me. "Here ya go." He says cheerfully before turning back around to go do whatever he was doing. Frank, Loki and I all exchange the same glance of 'what the fuck?' before Loki hands back the seemingly ornamental blade, which soon disappears along with the other one into nothing but the lavender outline, then into thin air. "You've now become my second favorite person." He says with a grin. "Who're your first?" I ask and he sighs, looking at the floor.

"Now that'd be telling."


Mikey screaming his head off in sheer panic was something I never thought I would wake up to.

Until now.

Loki was already the panicking man's room, trying to calm him down as the faint smell of smoke wafts through the building, I bolt upright almost forgetting I was next to Frank, who I've accidentally pulled the blankets off.

He slightly opens his eyes before groaning and rolling over, pulling the blankets back up. What a mood.

Anyways, I decide to go see what woke me up by poking my head around the corner of the door. I just about fall over with what I saw.

Mikey's hands are on fire.

It's a really nice blue colour though, like the sky on a nice day.

Loki is still trying, with no avail, to calm down the shaky, flame-handed man. When he sees me, he walks towards me, the fire dies down slightly, just enough to see his perfectly fine hands beneath the raging inferno. "Gerard, what's happening?" He squeaks, I feel like telling him that he's got about as much of a clue as I do, but the goal here is to make him feel better, not roast him.

"You're alright, I've got powers too. You aren't gonna get hurt, okay?"


"Just, think about something nice and it should go away, if that doesn't work I'm bringing in a bucket of water."

He laughs weakly before closing his eyes, the fire growing smaller and smaller until his hands are back to their non-flaming selves. He opens his eyes and looks at his hands, grinning wildly. "Thank you!" He exclaims, and with that, he hugs me tightly. I hug him back, feeling like I'm about to explode.

"You're welcome." I croak and he lets me go, Loki looking on slightly in awe at how I single handedly just saved Mikey from having a full scale breakdown. Loki and I walk out of the room, stopping outside of my door. "How did you-?" He starts and I shrug, not even sure what I did. "Just kind of thought about how I would feel in thay situation." Loki nods. "I must remember that next time." We say our goodbyes before I climb back into bed, Frank is still asleep and it seems he was oblivious to this whole ordeal. He mutters something in his sleep before stretching out.

He's taken up the entire center of the bed.

I sigh, taking a pillow from one side of him, making sure his head wasn't on it, coupled with a blanket down by the foot of the bed, making a makeshift bed on the rug by the window as there's no point of waking him up, and anyways, I don't mind sleeping on the floor.

Just for tonight anyways.

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