☆Sips Coke Zero and Sour Skittles☆

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A/N @YouGotLokid HAPPY (really fucking belated) BIRTHDAY BIIIITCH. Appreciate this chapter because you should and I've worked for like ages on it and you need to read it because we're in Quarantine. :)))

I stayed the night last night in New York, probably because I had to and because I didn't feel like flying back to Jersey when there was honestly no point. I'd told Jamia where I was so she won't panic about me and be calling me every five minutes to make sure I haven't been kidnapped by Bert or ended up in hospital because I did something stupid while I was drunk. She texted me this morning asking how I was, I just quickly responded by saying 'good' and then basically rolling myself off of the bed on the floor, not even remotely ready for today.

This place is fucking huge and I feel like I could get lost in here because everything seems the same. Despite the fact that the hallways had slight differences, I'm probably going to lose my mind with how similar everything is.

My half asleep brain is still trying to figure out all of this quantum physics talk, hopefully I'm not the only one thats confused about it all.

Everything has been going perfectly, according to Bruce. The portal's functioning without any life-threatening glitches, and the quantum physics suits have already been made in preparation for the time jump and the timelines we're all going to are already organized.

I just want to get it over with honestly. I want everybody back, especially my family and friends. I'm still surprised that I didn't die within 5 years of being a drug-addicted alcoholic because I lost almost everybody I cared about, the only exceptions are obviously Grace and Loki. My dad never checked up on me, he was too upset at what I said to him before the entire Rosemere ordeal and you have to take into account that he lost his wife and his "favourite" child, despite the fact if Mikey ever went to trial, he could be found guilty of hundreds of first-degree murders. Am I really that much of a dissapointment? Guess I'll never know. If I ever have kids, I won't pick favourites because that's the most dick-ish thing to do.

"You good there?" Grace asks and I nod, my train of thought falling into the abyss of forgetfulness. "Yeah, just thinking." I admit and she nods before asking yet another question. "Coming to get coffee or something?" I nod yet again, standing up and following Grace because she obviously knows where she's going.

She's literally lived here for like 5 years, so if she doesn't know where to go then she's obviously blind, or she's been walking around with her eyes closed.

After a coffee, my pills and a chance for everyone to wake up properly, we all gather in the main room of the complex, Bruce looks like he's been up for ages before we got up, bright-eyed and bushy tailed he looks absolutely pumped for today and I can't tell whether that's a good thing or a bad thing honestly. 

He looks like he's on cocaine not gonna lie.

"Alright, so everyone knows what's happening today?"

Everyone nods, understanding what may or may not happen with this whole time jump ordeal. The concept is still honestly terrifying, but I guess this is the length I'll go to if I want everybody back. 

The plan was easier said than done, collecting all the Infinity Stones and bringing them back to our time to reverse the effects of the Snap and save everyone in the process, leading everything to return back to normal and life continue as though nothing ever happened. 

Grace, Loki, Natasha and Clint are going back to 2014 to get the Soul Stone, and Tony, Cap, Scott Bruce and I are going even further back to 2012, to get the Tesseract from past Loki. This feels kind of weird in the fact that I'll be seeing what Loki was like before Rosemere. 

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