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Gerard's POV

Frank went out this morning while I was still asleep this morning, he left a note on the bedside table saying that he'd be back soon I pull on a nearby pair of jeans before getting out of bed. He knew that I didn't like being left alone here, especially since Gracie and Loki got taken back. I'm surprised that he still trusts me, as the last few times he's come home, I haven't been in the best of shapes. For some reason, I always think of the worst as though the world is going to end in the space of about an hour. I walk into the kitchen and make myself a coffee before sitting onto the couch and turning on the T.V. with my coffee in hand.

I flick through the channels aimlessly because I have no idea of what to do with myself anymore. I then turn off the T.V. and get back into our bed, there was basically nothing to do. I then hear the door unlock. Was it Frank?

"Hello?" I call, getting no response. That's odd, I wonder who or what it is. I decide not to investigate because I don't want to be that one idiot to die first in a horror movie. I shrug it off and close my eyes, lying on the bed. I know its not the best idea, but there's probably nothing out there so I'm fine. I hear someone walking through the living room so I open my eyes and call out to whoever's there again. "Whoever you are, its not cool to break into people's houses." The footsteps stop and I lie back down, not remotely concerned that there could be a serial killer in my apartment.

By now I'm getting moderately pissed off with whoever is in my apartment, so I walk into the living room to see who it is. It's probably just Frank being a dick, I think to myself.

It wasn't just Frank being a dick.

It was Jacquie, here to take me back.

"How'd you find me?" I ask the grinning woman. "It's amazing how much people tell you when they've got a gun to their head." My brain starts to tick over, it wouldn't have been Frank.

It would've been Amelia.

"Now, you have two options," Jacquie starts, peering down at me. "You can tell me where Frank is, or you can come back to Rosemere unconscious and when you eventually wake up, you'll be restrained." I roll my eyes, sighing. "If you're so clever, why don't you find Frank yourself?" Jacquie raises her eyebrows. "Someone's getting smart now aren't they?"

"That isn't an answer."

She sighs, getting quite frustrated. Jacquie then signals to someone standing behind her with a needle half full of the clear, sleep-inducing drug. "One last time Gerard, where is Frank?"

"I don't know. He left a note and that's about it, I have no clue where he is!" Jacquie then takes the needle off of the other person, she looks at the fluid in it the light before stepping towards me. "Alright then, I'll take your advice and find him myself." Jacquie says as she injects the contents of the needle into me. For some reason, instead of knocking me straight out, I just kind of stand there as Jacquie looks shocked as I'm still standing. "How..?" I smile at her wickedly as she tries to figure out what's going wrong. "Lets get him again." Jacquie says rather loudly to the other person as I make an attempt to escape while she's still turned around. "But is that safe?" They ask and Jacquie shrugs as I'm basically out of the window and down the fire escape.

I guess she just turned around because I hear a loud. "Hey!" before she starts looking for me. When she sees that I'm out of the building, down the fire escape and running away from the apartment, she is furious. "You can run, but you can't hide!" Jacquie calls.

Now I can't even go home and Frank's going to be looking for me, not to mention the fact I'm probably going to just pass out in about the next few minutes.


I dont know what this chapter was so oop.

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