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"Gerard...Gerard..." I hear a voice echo as I feel a hand tapping my face slightly. "Hmm?" I groan, opening my eyes a little. "It's me, Amelia." Did I make it all the way from my place to Amelia's with that drug in my system? Wow. "Sorry you got held at gunpoint." I slur to her, she looks at me sideways. "I didn't get held at gunpoint, Jacquie probably just said that to intimidate you." My half asleep brain can't comprehend all of this. "Where's Frank?" I ask and Amelia sighs. "I'm not too sure, I'll ring him." I stop her as much as I possibly can. "Not the house phone, try his cell." I mumble and she nods as she dials the number and puts it on speaker.

It rings twice before someone picks up.

Not Frank,

But Jacquie.

Can't she just leave us alone already? She knows that none of us want to go back and she should just leave it at that. Jacquie should just stick to her job because as far as she's concerned, she doesn't have to worry about us anymore.

"So nice to hear from you again Amelia. How have you been?" She says rather fakely. "I've never been better since I escaped your mental hell hospital," Amelia responds coldly. "Now where's Frank?" There is a pause. "Unconscious on the floor, turns out that some people are immune to this new sleeping drug," Wow Jacquie, you've ruined my boyfriend's life yet again by taking him back to his least favourite place besides his old 'family' home. "Don't worry, you can come and see him in Rosemere." She then hangs up, leaving Amelia looking rather pissed off at the darkened screen on her phone. "She's such a bitch." I comment, Amelia nodding. "Guess we now have three people to save from the mental hell then." She sighs and I sit up slightly.

Amelia looks over at me, smiling slightly.

"Got any ideas?"

Frank's POV

I blink in the blinding light, feeling slightly disorientated as I only have one thing on my mind.


I'm the same white-washed room that Gerard was in before we broke him out of Rosemere, restrained with a heart rate monitor on. Why the hell would I need this? A doctor soon enters and makes a slight 'oh' sound when he realises that I'm awake. I soon hear Jacquie's come over the speakers located in the corner of the walls. "How was your sleep Frank? Actually, I don't really care so I'm going to cut to the chase and just say it, the drug you got injected with was experimental, so consider yourself a test subject. If my calculations are right, you shouldn't need to be restrained right now." the doctor that came in before, comes back and undoes the restraints,

but for some reason I can't move.

I try to yell or just say anything and I can just tell the psychotic psychiatrist is grinning. "I'm glad you want to know what's going on. This state that you're in is recreating sleep paralysis and as it turns out, your pest of a boyfriend is immune to this," I can feel my blood boiling, nobody should be able to talk about Gerard like that in front of me. "Don't worry, you should be alright in about an hour." An entire hour?! Fucking hell, when I get out of this state Jacquie is going to get an earful. Her wretched voice comes over the speaker again. "Now, we're going to turn the lights off and leave you here to hallucinate and for us to record the side affects of this drug." This has to be illegal, she can't just do this to people. The lights then turn off, darkness swallows the room and the clicking of heels soon follows, I lay there unable to do anything as I realise that Jacquie has just left me here. I could tell that there was still someone behind the wall, montioring my everything I'm doing, which actually isn't much.

I can see two round, white eyes staring at me from the corner of the room, with sharp white teeth a little lower down. I'm still hooked up to the heart rate monitor which is starting to beep faster with the enourmous amounts of fear racing through my body. The shadowy figure soon moves closer, I feel its cold breath on my cheek and a clawed finger running down the side of my face as it grins eviliy. I wish I wasn't temporarily paralysed. The lights soon turn back on, the figure dissapearing into a floating black powder that soon dissipates, seemingly like it burnt out because of the light. "You should be alright now." Ray's kind voice comes over the speaker. He then unlocks the door and comes in and sits with me. "Are you okay?" I shake my head and he hugs me. "One day Jacquie's going to be behind bars, I guarantee it." How could someone who works here of all places, be so wholesome?

When Ray finally lets me out, I set off to find Gracie and Loki because I knew they'd still probably be here. Probably? I mean denfinately. Gracie sees me and has a double take before loudly exclaiming 'Frank?!' I walk over to them and sit down, smiling weakly at Gracie. "I just had the second worst experience of my life." I admit and Gracie gives me a sympathetic look. "What happened?" Loki asks and I sigh, explaining everything that happened. I hope Gerard and Amelia come to get us soon.

We need to get out of here, and soon. Jacquie keeps updating and upgrading the medications which have some pretty bad side effects.

And like Ray said, if anyone found out Jacquie would be where she belongs

In prison.

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