☆Emo Egg ☆

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Frank's POV

Watching a bleeding Gerard getting taken away deeper into a hospital is really pulling at my heartstrings.

"W-w-where are we?" I ask Strange, who is still standing beside me. 

"New Jersey."

I smile slightly. Either he knew that I was from Jersey or it was the first place to pop up in his mind for us to be.

"You'll be alright here by yourself aye?"

I nod.


My nerves haven't calmed down, probably because Gerard could be dying for all I know and I have no way of knowing if he'll be the same person he was even if he doesn't die.

Fuck, I need my mind to just shut up.

A young woman walks towards me and smiles. She has long, dark hair and brown eyes. She seems nice enough.

"I'm Jamia and I'm Gerard's nurse. I take it you must be Frank."

"How did you..?"

"Gerard's been up here many times before."

I sigh, looking at my hands awkwardly.

"He's gonna be okay Frank."

"Is he though?"

She smiles at me yet again.

"I'm sure of it."


A couple hours later Gerard is once again full of blood and completely stitched up.

That really scared me though. The whole thought of losing him just after I've gotten him back was playing on my mind constantly as I watched him sleep. I sound like such a creep.

He's still sleeping, obviously, and I'm eagerly waiting for him to awaken.

I hold his hand as he rests and I take a brief look through his memories.

I see a bar, and a really sleazy and greasy looking guy.

That's when I decide to stop and let Gerard tell me for himself.

Grace and everyone else has since showed up, Amelia taking one of the other beds in the room as she scrolls through her phone.

Everyones doing their own thing as Grace is just vibing in the other bed and it looks as though she's counting the dots on the ceiling.

Mikey is sitting across from me and Loki is standing by the door.

I've told everybody not to bombard him the second he opens his eyes because I know what it's like.

After a little while longer, he stirs and opens his eyes slightly as he turns to face me. "How long was I out?" He croaks and runs his tounge along his lips to stop them from drying out. I check the time on my phone. "Three hours."


"Everyone's here." I say and he smiles, going to lift his right hand but stopping when he realizes there's an I.V. in it.

"Was this neccessary?"

I nod and he sighs.

"I already hate this."

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